An AI application that can detect the smile on the face(s) in real time i-e from a webcam or even a captured video.
Apart from installing Python, you need to install the OpenCV and you're good to go.
The "haarcascade_frontalface_default" is a pre-trained classifier that is used to detect faces in a frame. Also the "haarcascade_smile" is a pre-trained classifier that works the same way and is used to detect smiles on the faces.
Import the most important OpenCv
Initialized the face and the smile detection classifiers and save it in the
respectively. -
Capture the webcam frames in the
Now loop until the webcam is stopped and this continues
- Read the points from the webcam
- If something odd occurs, break out of the loop
- Otherwise, convert the frame to Black and White (for opimization)
- Detect faces in the frame, the Black and White frame
- Draw the rectangle over the face(s) in the frame
- Slicing the frame,
the_face = frame[y:y + h, x:x + w]
, here we're cropping the whole frame into the sub-image in which we have only the faces. - Now convert that face' frame into Black and White
- Detect the smiles within the faces' frame, which we converted in previous step
- If want to have a rectangle over the smile you can
- Now label "smiling" the face, if it detects the smile on the faces
- Show the frame titling the "Live AI Smile Detector "
- The
waits 1 milli second and then press the key to change the frame. If there is no argument you will need to press the key manually to change from frame to frame - At last release everything so that the operating system will come to know to free up the spaces
And that's pretty much it
This project is licensed under the MIT Open Source License.