20230705: Experience version Internal testing only.
how to build:
- decrypt patch file
cd board/allwinner/suniv-f1c100s/patch/linux cat 0019-add-usb-display-demo-src.patch.des3.udisp_xfz1986 | openssl des3 -md sha256 -d -k pass_word > 0019-add-usb-display-demo-src.patch
note:the pass_word should get form author on bilibili. 解密密码需要在b站上找作者,目前是粉丝团福利期,预计农历新年解除此限制。
just follow below step to get img
run it: connect f1c200s serial in shell.
echo > /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/g1/UDC
cd lib/modules/5.4.99/kernel/drivers/usb/gadget/function
insmod jdec.ko
insmod udisp_xfz1986_demo.ko
/opt/devmset 0x1c20000 0x90001f00 1
/opt/devmd 0x1c20000
- 预编译好的驱动包,https://github.com/chuanjinpang/windows_win10_idd_xfz1986_usb_display_drv_f1c200s/tree/master/test_drv
- 也可以自己使用vs2015安装,
- 因为没有签名,使用的测试版本,需要用管理员权限打开test sign mode. 命令: bcdedit /set testsigning on 然后重启电脑,生效后,桌面右下角会有test mode的水印信息。
- 在设备管理器中,找到我们的设备,需要把设备插入,然后查找驱动路径。
plugin usb to windows, install windows driver, maybe need change resolution for display.
- https://github.com/aodzip/buildroot-tiny200
- https://whycan.com/t_8114.html Baremetal hardware JPEG-decoder example (F1C100S)
- https://whycan.com/t_5429.html f1c100s成功运行jpeg硬解码demo,但输出还是有问题
当前有一个严重的问题, 硬解jpg数据时会有大概1%的概率会出错,生成屏幕闪烁一下,如上图。 这应该是和USB传输相关,当USB不工作时,没有发现硬解出错的问题。
解决方案: 1.找全志支持解决。 2.workaround 使用直接传输rgb565, VGA 640*480 能30fps.
Opensource development package for Allwinner F1C100s & F1C200s
Check this file to view current driver support progress for F1C100s/F1C200s: PROGRESS-SUNIV.md
Check this file to view current driver support progress for V3/V3s/S3/S3L: PROGRESS-V3.md
sudo apt install wget unzip build-essential git bc swig libncurses-dev libpython3-dev libssl-dev
sudo apt install python3-distutils
Notice: Root permission is not necessery for download or extract.
git clone https://github.com/aodzip/buildroot-tiny200
Notice: Root permission is not necessery for build firmware.
Caution: Apply defconfig will reset all buildroot configurations to default values.
Generally, you only need to apply it once.
cd buildroot-tiny200
make widora_mangopi_r3_defconfig
Buildroot will download sourcecode when compiling the firmware. You can grab a TRUSTWORTHY archive of 'dl' folder for speed up.
If you have a multicore CPU, you can try
make -j ${YOUR_CPU_COUNT}
or buy a powerful PC for yourself.
You can flash a board by Linux (Recommended) or Windows system.
- rebuild-uboot.sh: Recompile U-Boot when you direct edit U-Boot sourcecode.
- rebuild-kernel.sh: Recompile Kernel when you direct edit Kernel sourcecode.
- emulate-chroot.sh: Emulate target rootfs by chroot.