Simple web-application with Sign-up, Sign In implementation using session, cookie based authentication built on Go(Golang).
- Setup golang on local (
- Once setup, clone the repo
- Go to clone directory
- Install 3rd party dependencies
go get
go get
go get
go get
- Run
go build
. This will generate an executable file with namego-for-it
. - Run the executable
- Linux/Mac
- Windows
cmd /K "go-for-it.exe"
- Linux/Mac
- PostgreSQL setup on the machine (
- Sign up page ( with basic server-side validations )
- Sign in page ( with basic server-side validations )
- Logout implementation
- Barebone home page ( to be worked on the next release )
- Cookie & session-based authentication
- Database integration using
Gorm ORM
with Postgres ( can be used with any other vendor ) - Storage of user and session details in the database and its retrieval at time of login
- Password encryption and verification using