Click on the above link, and open the demo app. The Facebook login feature will not work, as a result of privacy reasons, I took down the app developers account for it. Get Facebook Login to function:
- Create Facebook developers acccount
- Create a facebook login app
- Use the API key of Facebook app, in the source code. You can find the required details in the document.
- Start serving Facebook login easily
git clone the repository to your local machine
Once the files are downloaded, follow the standard procedure of installing ruby on rails. Click here
It is recommended to use
. -
Once Ruby on Rails is installed, you have to install the dependencies available in gem file. Important to note that the dependencies and other rail commands will only work, when installed rails version and ruby version matches the versions mentioned in Gemfile.
To ensure same versions are installed, open Gemfile, and check ruby version. Do the following:
rvm install 2.4.1
rvm use 2.4.1
Install the bundler
gem install bundler
Bundle install to install all the dependencies in Gemfile
bundle install
Start the rails server
rails server
The local server will start on the following link
If there is any problem about pg database. Try the steps below:
Install postgres
brew update
brew install postgres
open another terminal to run PG server
postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres
Open PG console (Open one more terminal to run the code below)
psql postgres
Create admin user (more details in /config/database.yml)
create user beaverthing;
create password beaverthing;
type in password(ubuntu) twice
Create database follow the previous team’s setting
create database workspace_development;
create database workspace_test;
create database workspace_production;
PG console setting completed. You can close the console here.
Generate table with database
bin/rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
Start the rails server
rails server
The local server will start on the following link
If you wish to use the S3 image backend (allowing images to be saved for more than 2 days), you will need to create an S3 bucket(AWS_BUCKET). You will then need to set AWS_BUCKET, AWS_SECRET_KEY , AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_REGION so that Rails can find that bucket. For local environments:
where x
and y
are replaced by your account details from Amazon Web Services
For deployed Heroku environments: (assuming the site is already deployed)
heroku config:set AWS_SECRET_KEY=x
and then heroku config:set AWS_ACCESS_KEY=y
For searching by location, a Google Geocoding API key will be required. This must be set as an environment variable (see Using AWS S3... above) with the name "GOOGLE_KEY".
Once this key is set, it is necessary to run "rake geocode:all CLASS=GeneralInfo" to populate the gecoded fields. For Heroku environments, prepend the previous command with "heroku run".
- Home page with project view
- Login/Signup, Search
- My Profile
- Rating/ Review feature on application
- Admin user has been added, with privilege for using the admin APIs. This is only available to the single admin user, added by the developer. Contact admin for help
- Direct Messaging (DM) and Notification feature on Profile Details page.
- orgot Password option in the Sign In Page.
- Click on sign up and create your profile in 3 quick steps.
- Once your profile is created, you will be shown logged in to the account
- Click on my profile page, to see your profile information.
- If you want to edit your profile, you can click on the three main links available on the edit profile page. You can find two options, “Edit Personal Info” and “Edit Professional Info”. You can edit your profile according to your preferences
- Social Media handles are shown in the profile details page,
- You can add projects and upload up to 5 photos in the project. You can view the average project rating of your project. If you are the creator of the project, you will be able to find a link of creating the project.
- Home page will show the list of the projects sorted by their ratings. Most rated projects will appear first.
- Buttons of Home page are updated and professional can see the projects filtered by specific professions
- The professionals can see both the profile details and project details page link from the home page.
- The users can search directly from Home page Now
- The user can search from home page directly
- Search matching algorithm now matches Full name (Previously not supported) and email on searching professionals. They can also search by category, profession, Country, city, and state.
- The user can add star ratings from the profile page now in (1 to 5 scale).
- To rate another professional, the user has to be signed in.
- One can add only one rating to a project and edit their rating after that. A professional cannot rate their own project.
- The user can request a password reset in their registered email address.
- A temporary link (validity: 15 minutes) has been generated for the resetting password
- After resetting, they will be redirected to the sign in page again.