@tan.winn's art kinda project. We'll see~~~
- Directory Structure
- Set up dependencies
- Host the API locally
- Set up the Messenger Chatbot
- Deploy the API to Gcloud
- Troubleshooting
├── api
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── main.py # Serves FastAPI APP
│ ├── datastore.py # Database CRUD api
│ ├── utils.py # Called by main
│ ├── pp.html # privacy-policy HTML file
├── models # Data models by pydantic
│ ├── facebook.py # Messenger chatbot
│ ├── weaver.py # SoundThread DB
├── unittests
│ ├── data # Test data
│ │ ├── facebook # Messenger chatbot
│ │ ├── weaver # SoundThread DB
│ ├── conftest.py # Fixtures for test suites
│ ├── test_api.py # main.py
│ ├── test_datastore.py # datastore.py
│ ├── test_models.py # models.py
│ ├── test_utils.py # utils.py
├── poetry.lock # Dependency requirements
├── pyproject.toml # Project configuration file
└── .gitignore
└── .env # Environment variables
We use poetry
for depdency management but you can also use venv
(vanilla) or pipenv
FB_VERIFY_TOKEN = <your_verify_token>
FB_PAGE_TOKEN = <fb_page_token>
poetry shell
poetry install
uvicorn api.main:APP --reload # Spin up the server
Follow instructions in https://ngrok.com/download to download ngrok
ngrok http <port>
This will generate a forwarding url like forwarding-url.ngrok-free.app
Create/update app in Dashboard https://developers.facebook.com/apps/
Products > Messenger API Settings
Configure webhooks > Edit the following fields
Callback URL:
Verify Token:
<your_verify_token> set in .env
Webhook fields >
Generate Access Token > Add the page you wanted to integrate the chatbot with
Then press Token > Generate > generated the
and updated it to.env
The app can now be tested by test users (if in Development) or the public (if Published).
- Go to app Dashboard https://developers.facebook.com/apps/
- Webhooks fields > Test
- Download the community version here
- More instructions at official MongoDBdocs
cd weaving-sounds
mongod --dbpath voices/mongo --port 27017
- Make sure your security variables including
are set correctly. Check Environment variables not set correctly if yourecho $FB_PAGE_TOKEN
and the info set in.env
mismatches. - Make sure your forwarding url using ngrok are correct if hosting locally. Any respawned of ngrok tunneling will require you to set yo the webhook verification again.
If you edit the .env file, ensure it's properly loaded the the virtual env by reloading the venv
(in venv) exit # Exit the venv
poetry shell # Spawn the venv again
echo $FB_VERIFY_TOKEN # Check the venv var