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Hugo Starter Theme with Windi UnoCSS

Starter files for a Hugo theme with Windi UnoCSS.

Netlify Status

  • set up to use UnoCSS the successor to Windi CSS
  • includes the typography preset plugin for styling of markdown content (including dark mode friendly .prose color fixes)
  • use UnoCSS CLI integration (@apply and @screen directives can be used via Directive Transformer, consider using: UnoCSS Shortcuts) to build optimized uno.css with used classes (only), circumventing the need to purge.
  • works as separate theme repo or as a local theme folder within a Hugo site
  • exampleSite uses basic template setup with an index page, an about page and a posts category
  • dark mode toggle
  • responsive navigation header with pure css minimal javascript for 1) dark mode and 2) mobile "hamburger" nav on small screens; the pure CSS solution to the hamburger menu fails keyboard accessibility.
  • included helper partials to show Hugo parameters and UnoCSS breakpoints during development

What this theme is NOT

This theme is a starter setup theme to aid in developing Hugo themes using the UnoCSS framework. It is not a standalone theme ready to use.

Try before you buy

Start a local server with exampleSite or see the example site on Netlify

cd themes/unocss-starter/exampleSite
npm install
npm run example


Make sure to install unocss as detailed in the UnoCSS CLI Docs.

npm install -g unocss

Make sure to use a minimum Hugo version of v0.69.0 and above.

Basic usage to develop a separate Theme repo

  • clone and rename the repo
git clone themes/unocss-starter
  • to make that theme your own, switch into the newly created folder, remove the git history from this starter repo and initiate a new git repo
cd themes/unocss-starter
rm -rf .git
git init
  • copy uno.config.ts, package.json and optionally config.toml from exampleSite to your project root (/)

  • install the necessary node packages

npm install
  • edit the config.toml file in project root (/) or exampleSite/ to reflect the unocss-starter
# in config.toml
theme = "unocss-starter" # your new theme name here

Usage directly within a Hugo repo as a theme package

  • start a new Hugo site
hugo new site new-site
  • switch into the theme folder an clone the starter repo
cd new-site
git clone themes/unocss-starter
  • switch into the newly created theme folder, remove the git history from this starter repo and install the node packages
cd themes/unocss-starter
rm -rf .git
npm install
  • edit the config.toml file in new-site/ to reflect the unocss-starter
# in config.toml
theme = "new-theme-name" # your new theme name here
  • switch to the root of the new-site repo and start a server to view the index site
cd new-site
hugo server --disableFastRender

Your content should go into new-site/content, the development of the site layout is done within new-site/themes/new-theme-name/layout.

Developer Mode Helpers

Included are the following helpers for the development phase (not visible in production):

  • /partials/dev-parameters.html, which shows basic Hugo page parameters
  • /partials/dev-size-indicator.html, which displays a floating circle in the upper right corner to indicate the UnoCSS responsive breakpoints

If you don't need any of these helpers anymore, just delete the corresponding line from /layouts/_default/baseof.html.

Deploy to Netlify

If you use this starter theme and want to deploy your site to Netlify, you MAY encounter a build error about unocss missing:

Netlify will need to npm install dependencies of this starter. Please copy the exampleSite/package.json and exampleSite/uno.config.ts file to the root of your project:

cp themes/unocss-starter/exampleSite/package.json ./
cp themes/unocss-starter/exampleSite/uno.config.ts ./

This introduces the dependencies UnoCSS needs, Netlify will run the installation automatically on deploy, use: npm run build.