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[new] Refactor tools ns, embed dynamic *freeze-opts* in wrappers
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ptaoussanis committed Aug 2, 2023
1 parent 064015e commit 3ac06b6
Showing 1 changed file with 62 additions and 48 deletions.
110 changes: 62 additions & 48 deletions src/taoensso/nippy/tools.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,60 +1,74 @@
"Utils for 3rd-party tools that want to add user-configurable Nippy support.
"Utils for community tools that want to add user-configurable Nippy support.
Used by Carmine, Faraday, etc."
(:require [taoensso.nippy :as nippy]))

(def ^:dynamic *freeze-opts* nil)
(def ^:dynamic *thaw-opts* nil)

(defmacro with-freeze-opts [opts & body] `(binding [*freeze-opts* ~opts] ~@body))
(defmacro with-thaw-opts [opts & body] `(binding [*thaw-opts* ~opts] ~@body))
(defn ^:no-doc -merge-opts
"Private, implementation detail."
([x y ] (if x (conj x y) y))
([x y z] (-merge-opts (-merge-opts x y) z)))

(defmacro with-freeze-opts [opts & body] `(binding [*freeze-opts* ~opts ] ~@body))
(defmacro with-freeze-opts+ [opts & body] `(binding [*freeze-opts* (-merge-opts *freeze-opts* ~opts)] ~@body))
(defmacro with-thaw-opts [opts & body] `(binding [*thaw-opts* ~opts ] ~@body))
(defmacro with-thaw-opts+ [opts & body] `(binding [*thaw-opts* (-merge-opts *thaw-opts* ~opts)] ~@body)))

(deftype WrappedForFreezing [val opts])
(defn wrapped-for-freezing? [x] (instance? WrappedForFreezing x))
(defn wrap-for-freezing
"Ensures that given arg (any freezable data type) is wrapped so that
(tools/freeze <wrapped-arg>) will serialize as
(nippy/freeze <unwrapped-arg> <opts>).
See also ``, ``."
([x ] (wrap-for-freezing x nil))
([x opts]
(if (instance? WrappedForFreezing x)
(let [^WrappedForFreezing x x]
(if (= (.-opts x) opts)
(WrappedForFreezing. (.-val x) opts)))
(WrappedForFreezing. x opts))))

(defn freeze
"Like `nippy/freeze` but uses as opts the following merged in order of
ascending preference:
- Optional `default-opts` arg given to this fn (default nil).
- Optional `*freeze-opts*` dynamic value (default nil).
- Optional opts provided to `wrap-for-freezing` (default nil)."

([x ] (freeze x nil))
([x default-opts]
(let [default-opts (get default-opts :default-opts default-opts) ; For back compatibility
merged-opts (conj (or default-opts {}) *freeze-opts*)]

(if (instance? WrappedForFreezing x)
(let [^WrappedForFreezing x x]
(nippy/freeze (.-val x) (conj merged-opts (.-opts x))))
(nippy/freeze x merged-opts)))))

(defn thaw
"Like `nippy/thaw` but uses as opts the following merged in order of
ascending preference:
- Optional `default-opts` arg given to this fn (default nil).
- Optional `*thaw-opts*` dynamic value (default nil)."

([ba ] (thaw ba nil))
([ba default-opts]
(let [default-opts (get default-opts :default-opts default-opts) ; For back compatibility
merged-opts (conj (or default-opts {}) *thaw-opts*)]
(nippy/thaw ba merged-opts))))

(let [-merge-opts -merge-opts]
(defn wrap-for-freezing
"Captures (merge `tools/*thaw-opts*` `wrap-opts`), and returns
the given argument in a wrapped form so that `tools/freeze` will
use the captured options when freezing the wrapper argument.
See also `tools/freeze`."
([x ] (wrap-for-freezing x nil))
([x wrap-opts]
(let [captured-opts (-merge-opts *freeze-opts* wrap-opts)] ; wrap > dynamic
(if (instance? WrappedForFreezing x)
(let [^WrappedForFreezing x x]
(if (= (.-opts x) captured-opts)
(WrappedForFreezing. (.-val x) captured-opts)))
(WrappedForFreezing. x captured-opts))))))

(let [-merge-opts -merge-opts]
(defn freeze
"Like `nippy/freeze` but uses as options the following, merged in
order of ascending preference:
1. `default-opts` given to this fn (default nil).
2. `tools/*freeze-opts*` dynamic value (default nil).
3. Opts captured by `tools/wrap-for-freezing` (default nil).
See also `tools/wrap-for-freezing`."
([x ] (freeze x nil))
([x default-opts]
(let [default-opts (get default-opts :default-opts default-opts) ; Back compatibility
active-opts (-merge-opts default-opts *freeze-opts*)] ; dynamic > default

(if (instance? WrappedForFreezing x)
(let [^WrappedForFreezing x x]
(nippy/freeze (.-val x) (-merge-opts active-opts (.-opts x)))) ; captured > active!
(nippy/freeze x active-opts))))))

(let [-merge-opts -merge-opts]
(defn thaw
"Like `nippy/thaw` but uses as options the following, merged in
order of ascending preference:
1. `default-opts` given to this fn (default nil).
2. `tools/*thaw-opts*` dynamic value (default nil)."
([ba ] (thaw ba nil))
([ba default-opts]
(let [default-opts (get default-opts :default-opts default-opts) ; Back compatibility
active-opts (-merge-opts default-opts *thaw-opts*)] ; dynamic > default

(nippy/thaw ba active-opts)))))

(comment (thaw (freeze (wrap-for-freezing "wrapped"))))

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