a golang port of Celery distributed task engine. It supports executing and submitting tasks, and can interop with celery engine or celery python client.
- Task Queues
- Task Event Reporting
- Supported Brokers
- RabbitMQ
- Redis
- Nats
go get http://github.com/taoh/gocelery
package main
import (
log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"
// Adder worker
type Adder struct{}
// Execute an addition
func (a *Adder) Execute(task *gocelery.Task) (result interface{}, err error) {
sum := float64(0)
for _, arg := range task.Args {
switch arg.(type) {
case int64:
sum += (float64)(arg.(int64))
case float64:
sum += arg.(float64)
result = sum
// simulate the wait
time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Int31n(3000)) * time.Millisecond)
log.Debug("task.Args: ", task.Args, " Result: ", result)
func main() {
worker := gocelery.New(&gocelery.Config{
LogLevel: "debug",
defer worker.Close()
gocelery.RegisterWorker("tasks.add", &Adder{})
// print all registered workers
workers := gocelery.RegisteredWorkers()
for _, worker := range workers {
log.Debugf("Registered Worker: %s", worker)
// start executing
start the worker process
go run demo/main.go
package main
import (
log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"
func main() {
log.Info("We can run the task and ignore result")
i := 13
j := 12
args := []interface{}{i, j}
worker := gocelery.New(&gocelery.Config{
LogLevel: "debug",
defer worker.Close()
"tasks.add", // task name
args, // arguments
true, // ignoreResults
log.Info("Task Executed.")
taskResult := worker.Enqueue(
"tasks.add", // task name
args, // arguments
false, // ignoreResults
tr := <-taskResult
log.Infof("We can also run the task and return result: %d + %d = %d", i, j, int64(tr.Result.(float64)))
log.Info("Task Executed.")
start the client process
go run demo/client.go