The codes of our Robust-DPFL method. Functions for loading and processing the raw data of different experimental datasets, including MNIST, FEMNIST, and CIFAR10. Functions for posioning the data via backdoor attacks. Functions of the deep learning model trained in experiments. Functions of the federated learning workflow, including different attack strategies on DP-FL, and our Robust-DPFL method. Functions of the training and evaluation workflow.
│---MNIST: Training and test data of MNIST
│---CIFAR10: Training and test data of CIFAR10
│--- Files for saving experimental results.
-d: --dataset, parameter for controlling the expriment datasets, legal values: MNIST, FEMNIST, CIFAR10
-a: --attack-mode, parameter for controlling the attack strategy, legal values: AttackNaive, AttackNonDP, AttackDPFL
-m: --defense-mode, parameter for controlling the federated gradient aggergation strategy, legal values: FedAvg, RobustDPFL
-t: --taxic-ratio, parameter for controlling the ratio of malicious client, legal value: a float number ranging from 0 to 1
-a: --alpha, paramter for controlling the privacy levels, legal value: a float number greater than 1
-e: --epsilon, paramter for controlling the privacy levels, legal value: a float number greater than 0
-g: --gpu, paramter for controlling the used GPU ID, legal value: a int number
python -d MNIST -t 0.15 -a AttackDPFL -m RobustDPFL