An efficient Proxy Re-encryption library in JavaScript without pairing.
It supports encrypt, decrypt, rekeyGen, reEnc, sign and verify.
It's an implement of paper
Efficient Unidirectional Proxy Re-encryption
Currently using curve SECP256K1 as default curve.
Using high level function in class PREClient
and PREProxy
const {PRE, PREClient, PREProxy} = require("eff-pre");
const crypto = require("crypto");
const L0 = 32; // longest byte size can be encrypted
const L1 = 16; // customized length
PRE.init(L0, L1, PRE.CURVE.SECP256K1).then(() => {
const A = new PREClient();
const B = new PREClient();
const C = new PREClient();
// the message to be encrypted
// it should be no longer than L0, usually AES key
const M = crypto.randomBytes(L0);
const pkA = A.getPk();
const pkB = B.getPk();
// test A encrypt and decrypt on his own
const c1 = A.enc(M, {transformable: true});
const [valid1, d1] = A.dec(c1);
console.log("A Dec [transformable]:", valid1, "Same:", d1.equals(M));
// test A shares c1 to B with P, so that B can decrypt
// usecase: A want to share already encrypted information with B
// without download, decrypt, encrypt with B's pk and send to B
// by send reKey to proxy P, P will transfer the ciphertext so that B can decrypt.
const reKeyA2B = A.reKeyGen(pkB);
const [valid2, c2] = PREProxy.reEnc(c1, reKeyA2B, pkA);
console.log("ReEnc:", valid2);
const [valid3, d2] = B.dec(c2);
console.log("B Dec:", valid3, "Same:", d2.equals(M));
// C (others) cannot decrypt
console.log("C Dec:", C.dec(c2)[0]);
// sign and verify
const sig = A.sign(M);
const verified = PREClient.verify(M, sig, pkA);
console.log("Signature verified", verified);
// message that cannot be shared
// usecase: A want to encrypt private information with no intention of sharing
const c3 = A.enc(M, {transformable: false});
const [valid4, d3] = A.dec(c3);
console.log("A Dec [non-transformable]:", valid4, "Same:", d3.equals(M));
const [valid5, c4] = PREProxy.reEnc(c3, reKeyA2B, pkA);
console.log("ReEnc:", valid5); // cannot reEnc non-transformable ciphertext
}).catch(r => {
Chow, Sherman SM, et al. "Efficient unidirectional proxy re-encryption." International Conference on Cryptology in Africa. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010.