Export information about your smarthome devices (switches, powermeters, thermostat, ...) to prometheus.
- Setup a (restricted) user account for the exporter to use. This accounts only need access to smarthome devices, see Setting up users with restricted authorization for details.
- Download your FRITZ!Box certificate (recommended)
Usage of ./fritzbox_smarthome_exporter:
-cert="": Path to the FRITZ!Box certificate.
-noverify=false: Omit TLS verification of the FRITZ!Box certificate.
-password="": FRITZ!Box password.
-url="https://fritz.box": FRITZ!Box URL.
-username="": FRITZ!Box username.
Command line arguments or environment variables (the argument as uppercase, like CERT
for -cert
) may be used.
The exporter will bind to TCP Port 9103 and export the following metrics via /metrics
# HELP fritzbox_device_info Device information
# TYPE fritzbox_device_info gauge
fritzbox_device_info{device_id="01111 0111111",device_name="Switch 1",device_type="FRITZ!DECT 200",functionbitmask="2944",fw_version="03.87",internal_id="16",manufacturer="AVM"} 1
fritzbox_device_info{device_id="12345 0000000",device_name="HKR 1",device_type="Comet DECT",functionbitmask="320",fw_version="03.68",internal_id="23",manufacturer="AVM"} 1
# HELP fritzbox_device_present Device connected (1) or not (0)
# TYPE fritzbox_device_present gauge
fritzbox_device_present{device_id="01111 0111111",device_name="Switch 1",device_type="FRITZ!DECT 200"} 1
fritzbox_device_present{device_id="12345 0000000",device_name="HKR 1",device_type="Comet DECT"} 1
# HELP fritzbox_energy Absolute energy consumption since the device started operating
# TYPE fritzbox_energy gauge
fritzbox_energy{device_id="01111 0111111",device_name="Switch 1",device_type="FRITZ!DECT 200"} 103023
# HELP fritzbox_power Current power, refreshed approx every 2 minutes
# TYPE fritzbox_power gauge
fritzbox_power{device_id="01111 0111111",device_name="Switch 1",device_type="FRITZ!DECT 200"} 0
# HELP fritzbox_switch_boxlock Switching via FRITZ!Box disabled? 1/0, -1 if not known or error
# TYPE fritzbox_switch_boxlock gauge
fritzbox_switch_boxlock{device_id="01111 0111111",device_name="Switch 1",device_type="FRITZ!DECT 200"} 0
# HELP fritzbox_switch_devicelock Switching via device disabled 1/0, -1 if not known or error
# TYPE fritzbox_switch_devicelock gauge
fritzbox_switch_devicelock{device_id="01111 0111111",device_name="Switch 1",device_type="FRITZ!DECT 200"} 1
# HELP fritzbox_switch_mode Switch mode 1/0 (manual/automatic), -1 if not known or error
# TYPE fritzbox_switch_mode gauge
fritzbox_switch_mode{device_id="01111 0111111",device_name="Switch 1",device_type="FRITZ!DECT 200"} -1
# HELP fritzbox_switch_state Switch state 1/0 (on/off), -1 if not known or error
# TYPE fritzbox_switch_state gauge
fritzbox_switch_state{device_id="01111 0111111",device_name="Switch 1",device_type="FRITZ!DECT 200"} -1
# HELP fritzbox_temperature Temperature measured at the device sensor in units of 0.1 °C
# TYPE fritzbox_temperature gauge
fritzbox_temperature{device_id="01111 0111111",device_name="Switch 1",device_type="FRITZ!DECT 200"} 19
fritzbox_temperature{device_id="12345 0000000",device_name="HKR 1",device_type="Comet DECT"} 22
# HELP fritzbox_temperature_offset Temperature offset (set by the user) in units of 0.1 °C
# TYPE fritzbox_temperature_offset gauge
fritzbox_temperature_offset{device_id="01111 0111111",device_name="Switch 1",device_type="FRITZ!DECT 200"} -1
fritzbox_temperature_offset{device_id="12345 0000000",device_name="HKR 1",device_type="Comet DECT"} -0.5
Docker images are build for tags jaymedh/fritzbox_smarthome_exporter.
FRITZ!Box certificate may be mountet into the container, configuration can be done via arguments or environment variables (or both):
docker run -d --name fritzbox_smarthome_exporter -p 9103:9103 \
-v $(pwd)/boxcert.cer:/fritzbox.pem:ro \
-e PASSWORD=SuperSecret \
-e USERNAME=SmarthomeUser \
jaymedh/fritzbox_smarthome_exporter:v0.0.1 -url="https://fritz.box:8443" -cert=/fritzbox.pem
Example Grafana dashboard can be found at https://grafana.com/dashboards/7019