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Kafka exporter for Prometheus. For other metrics from Kafka, have a look at the JMX exporter.

Table of Contents


Support Apache Kafka version (and later).



Binary can be downloaded from Releases page.


Build Binary


Build Docker Image

make docker

Docker Hub Image

docker pull danielqsj/kafka-exporter:latest

It can be used directly instead of having to build the image yourself. (Docker Hub danielqsj/kafka-exporter)


Run Binary

kafka_exporter --kafka.server=kafka:9092 [--kafka.server=another-server ...]

Run Docker Image

docker run -ti --rm -p 9308:9308 danielqsj/kafka-exporter --kafka.server=kafka:9092 [--kafka.server=another-server ...]


This image is configurable using different flags

Flag name Env var name Default Description
kafka.server KAFKA_SERVER kafka:9092 Addresses (host:port) of Kafka server
kafka.version KAFKA_VERSION 1.0.0 Kafka broker version
sasl.enabled SASL_ENABLED false Connect using SASL/PLAIN
sasl.handshake SASL_HANDSHAKE true Only set this to false if using a non-Kafka SASL proxy
sasl.username SASL_USERNAME SASL user name
sasl.password SASL_PASSWORD SASL user password
sasl.mechanism SASL_MECHANISM SASL mechanism, valid values: [SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512]
tls.enabled TLS_ENABLED false Connect using TLS TLS_CA_FILE The optional certificate authority file for TLS client authentication
tls.cert-file TLS_CERT_FILE The optional certificate file for client authentication
tls.key-file TLS_KEY_FILE The optional key file for client authentication
tls.insecure-skip-tls-verify TLS_INSECURE_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY false If true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity
topic.filter TOPIC_FILTER .* Regex that determines which topics to collect
topic.exclude TOPIC_EXCLUDE Regex that determines which topics to exclude
group.filter GROUP_FILTER .* Regex that determines which consumer groups to collect
group.exclude GROUP_EXCLUDE Regex that determines which consumer groups to exclude
web.listen-address WEB_LISTEN_ADDRESS :9308 Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry
web.telemetry-path WEB_TELEMETRY_PATH /metrics Path under which to expose metrics
log.level LOG_LEVEL info Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
log.enable-sarama LOG_ENABLE_SARAMA false Turn on Sarama logging
use.consumelag.zookeeper USE_CONSUMELAG_ZOOKEEPER false You need to use a group from zookeeper
zookeeper.server ZOOKEEPER_SERVER localhost:2181 Zookeeper server
kafka.labels KAFKA_LABELS Kafka server name
refresh.metadata REFRESH_METADATA 30s Metadata refresh interval
enabled.metric ENABLED_METRIC Export only some metrics, valid values: [brokers, partitions, partition_current_offset, partition_oldest_offset, partition_leader, partition_replicas, partition_in_sync_replica, partition_leader_is_preferred, partition_under_replicated_partition, current_offset, current_offset_sum, lag, lag_seconds, lag_zookeeper, lag_sum, members]


Boolean values are uniquely managed by Kingpin. Each boolean flag will have a negative complement: --<name> and --no-<name>.

For example:

If you need to disable sasl.handshake, you could add flag --no-sasl.handshake


Documents about exposed Prometheus metrics.

For details on the underlying metrics please see Apache Kafka.


Metrics details

Name Exposed informations
kafka_exporter_brokers Number of Brokers in the Kafka Cluster

Metrics output example

# HELP kafka_exporter_brokers Number of Brokers in the Kafka Cluster.
# TYPE kafka_exporter_brokers gauge
kafka_exporter_brokers 3


Metrics details

Name Exposed informations
kafka_exporter_topic_partitions Number of partitions for this Topic
kafka_exporter_topic_partition_current_offset Current Offset of a Broker at Topic/Partition
kafka_exporter_topic_partition_oldest_offset Oldest Offset of a Broker at Topic/Partition
kafka_exporter_topic_partition_in_sync_replica Number of In-Sync Replicas for this Topic/Partition
kafka_exporter_topic_partition_leader Leader Broker ID of this Topic/Partition
kafka_exporter_topic_partition_leader_is_preferred 1 if Topic/Partition is using the Preferred Broker
kafka_exporter_topic_partition_replicas Number of Replicas for this Topic/Partition
kafka_exporter_topic_partition_under_replicated_partition 1 if Topic/Partition is under Replicated

Metrics output example

# HELP kafka_exporter_topic_partitions Number of partitions for this Topic
# TYPE kafka_exporter_topic_partitions gauge
kafka_exporter_topic_partitions{topic="__consumer_offsets"} 50

# HELP kafka_exporter_topic_partition_current_offset Current Offset of a Broker at Topic/Partition
# TYPE kafka_exporter_topic_partition_current_offset gauge
kafka_topic_partition_current_offset{partition="0",topic="__consumer_offsets"} 0

# HELP kafka_exporter_topic_partition_oldest_offset Oldest Offset of a Broker at Topic/Partition
# TYPE kafka_exporter_topic_partition_oldest_offset gauge
kafka_exporter_topic_partition_oldest_offset{partition="0",topic="__consumer_offsets"} 0

# HELP kafka_exporter_topic_partition_in_sync_replica Number of In-Sync Replicas for this Topic/Partition
# TYPE kafka_exporter_topic_partition_in_sync_replica gauge
kafka_exporter_topic_partition_in_sync_replica{partition="0",topic="__consumer_offsets"} 3

# HELP kafka_exporter_topic_partition_leader Leader Broker ID of this Topic/Partition
# TYPE kafka_exporter_topic_partition_leader gauge
kafka_exporter_topic_partition_leader{partition="0",topic="__consumer_offsets"} 0

# HELP kafka_exporter_topic_partition_leader_is_preferred 1 if Topic/Partition is using the Preferred Broker
# TYPE kafka_exporter_topic_partition_leader_is_preferred gauge
kafka_exporter_topic_partition_leader_is_preferred{partition="0",topic="__consumer_offsets"} 1

# HELP kafka_exporter_topic_partition_replicas Number of Replicas for this Topic/Partition
# TYPE kafka_exporter_topic_partition_replicas gauge
kafka_exporter_topic_partition_replicas{partition="0",topic="__consumer_offsets"} 3

# HELP kafka_exporter_topic_partition_under_replicated_partition 1 if Topic/Partition is under Replicated
# TYPE kafka_exporter_topic_partition_under_replicated_partition gauge
kafka_exporter_topic_partition_under_replicated_partition{partition="0",topic="__consumer_offsets"} 0

Consumer Groups

Metrics details

Name Exposed informations
kafka_exporter_consumergroup_current_offset Current Offset of a ConsumerGroup at Topic/Partition
kafka_exporter_consumergroup_lag Current Approximate Lag of a ConsumerGroup at Topic/Partition
kafka_exporter_consumergroup_lag_seconds Current Approximate Lag of a ConsumerGroup at Topic/Partition in seconds

Metrics output example

# HELP kafka_exporter_consumergroup_current_offset Current Offset of a ConsumerGroup at Topic/Partition
# TYPE kafka_exporter_consumergroup_current_offset gauge
kafka_exporter_consumergroup_current_offset{consumergroup="KMOffsetCache-kafka-manager-3806276532-ml44w",partition="0",topic="__consumer_offsets"} -1

# HELP kafka_exporter_consumergroup_lag Current Approximate Lag of a ConsumerGroup at Topic/Partition
# TYPE kafka_exporter_consumergroup_lag gauge
kafka_exporter_consumergroup_lag{consumergroup="KMOffsetCache-kafka-manager-3806276532-ml44w",partition="0",topic="__consumer_offsets"} 1


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Code is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.


Kafka exporter for Prometheus







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  • Go 93.1%
  • Makefile 6.5%
  • Dockerfile 0.4%