I'm Christian Eilers, also known as tatanpoker09. I'm a Software Engineer from Carnegie Mellon University. I'm passionate of trying out new programming paradigms and experimenting with different things. Check out my portfolio! https://tatanpoker09.com/
😳 Programming languages I know
- Java
- C#
- Javascript / Typescript
- GoLang
- Ruby
- C/C++
- Kotlin
- Python
🔭 I’m currently working on ...
- Journey! My open-source modular personal assistant.
🌱 I’m currently learning ...
- As much as possible! I am a Carnegie Mellon University Master in Software Engineering student
👫 I’m looking to collaborate on ...
- Fun IoT projects!
💬 Ask me about ...
- Anything! I love to help 💘
📫 How to reach me: ...
- Twitter Direct Message: Twitter
- Email: christian@eilers.cl
⚡ Fun fact: ...
- I love Nature, Geography, Anime, Videogames, Astrophysics and Streaming!