Note: ESRI web service is currently unavailable. Feel free to fork the repo and change it to an available service.
Create custom elevation profiles from hosted ESRI web services.
This single page application allows the user to draw a custom line or polyline feature that intersects an ESRI ArcGIS for Server web service endpoint (specifically, an image service containing elevation values). Once a line has been created, the user can generate an interactive graph of the elevation profile for the service at that location. The application is designed for image services with 1 meter resolution (projected in NAD83 State Plane Arizona Central Zone). FYI, the page might need an immediate page refresh if the ESRI service does not load.
- mapbox.js
- leaflet.js
- [leaflet-draw] (
- [esri-leaflet] (
- [amCharts] (
This is considered a still-in-development application (version 0.1 for now)