Scala futures with expected (checked) error type. Returned type will better represent errors that could be returned. Future value just wrapped with safe wrapper with future-like methods that respect expected error type.
def divide(a: Double, b: Double): Future[Double] =
if (b == 0) Future.failed(new ArithmeticException("Division by zero")) else Future.successful(a / b)
def divideSafe(a: Double, b: Double): TypedFuture[ArithmeticException, Double] =
if (b == 0) TypedFuture.failed(new ArithmeticException("Division by zero")) else TypedFuture.successful(a / b)
Library treat exception in the similar way as java. Future could have expected (aka checked) error as well as unexpected. The second one is not represented in type.
You can create instance of PureFuture
which is aliases for TypedFuture[Nothing, T]
. It used to show that TypedFuture have no expected error.
Because TypedFuture is a wrapper it could be instantiated using existing Future or using "pure" values.
case class MyError(t: Throwable) extends Throwable(t)
val _: TypedFuture[MyError, Int] = TypedFuture.successful[MyError](21)
val _: TypedFuture[MyError, Int] = TypedFuture.failed[Int](MyError(new Exception()))
val _: TypedFuture[MyError, Int] = TypedFuture[MyError](Future.successful(12)) // Type is required
val _: TypedFuture[MyError, Int] = TypedFuture.fromEither[Int, MyError](Right(12))
val _: TypedFuture[MyError, Int] = TypedFuture.fromTry[MyError](Try(42))
Note: TypeFuture's apply method should contain type of expected error. If you don't specify it, you will have compilation error.
Another way to create an instance is to use implicit conversion
And PureFuture... well there only two (2,5) ways to get it.
// 1. Recover TypedFuture
def divideSafe(a: Double, b: Double): TypedFuture[ArithmeticException, Double] = ???
val _: PureFuture[Double] = divideSafe(10, 0).recover(_ => Double.PositiveInfinity)
// 2. fromPure method
val _: PureFuture[Int] = TypedFuture.fromPure(12)
// 2.5. Manually set type for TypedFuture with expected error Nothing
val _: PureFuture[Int] = TypedFuture.successful[Nothing](21)
val _: PureFuture[String] = Future
.successful(12) // Future[Int]
.withExpectedError[IllegalArgumentException] // TypedFuture[IllegalArgumentException, Int]
.mapError(MyError(_)) // TypedFuture[MyError, Int]
.map(_ + 1) // TypedFuture[MyError, Int]
.flatMap(i => TypedFuture.successful[MyError](i.toString)) // TypedFuture[MyError, String]
.flatMap(i => TypedFuture.failed[String](YourError(new Exception("")))) // TypedFuture[YourError, String]
.flatMap(i => TypedFuture.failed[String](MyError(new Exception("")))) // TypedFuture[MyError, String]
.recover(e => "0")