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Tom Barbette edited this page Nov 25, 2022 · 4 revisions

StoreData Element Documentation


StoreData — Click element; changes packet data


StoreData(OFFSET, DATA, [MASK], I[])

Batching: Batching natively supported
Ports: 1 input, 1 output
Processing: agnostic


Changes packet data starting at OFFSET to DATA.

Optionally MASK can be specified, so only these bits of packet data are changed which corresponding bits of MASK are 1.

DATA and MASK can be specified is hexadecimal using the following syntax:

 StoreData(1, \<FF>, MASK \<02>);

Keyword arguments are:

  • GROW — When set to true and DATA exceeds past packet length, packet length will be extended. Otherwise, excessive data will not be stored. Default is false.


AlignmentInfo, click-align

Generated by click-elem2man from ../elements/standard/storedata.hh:7 on 2022/11/25.

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