PostCSS plugin to clean unused CSS.
This plugin search for selector presence in your source files, regardless of sources files extension. If it can find a selector, it removes it.
It doesn't create any virtual DOM. Instead, it just read your source files code to check the presence of each selector in each rule.
let postcss_cleaner = require('postccs-cleaner');
let options = {
sources: ['array', 'of', 'source', 'files'], // Required, files to compare CSS against
raw: 'h1.classname test', // Optionnal ,if 'sources' is already included, it will be overwrite
ignore: ['.ignored-class', /or-ignored-regex/],
log: {
sourcesList: false,
removedRules: false,
ignoredRules: false
postcss([postcss_cleaner(options)]).process(css); // `css` is your stylesheet
Alternatively, you can ignore portions of your CSS using comments.
.foo{ }
/* postcss-cleaner: ignore on*/
.bar{ }
/* postcss-cleaner: ignore off*/
.baz{ }
See PostCSS docs for examples for your environment.
/* Css Input */
.foo {
.bar {
th td,
tr td {
.baz {
.js-action {
<!-- HTML Input -->
<div class="foo">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
# Slim Input
| Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
// JS Input
document.querySelector('.js-action').addEventListener('click', e => {
/* [...] */
.foo {
tr td {
.js-action {
- Improve test suite
- Improve doc
- Clean plugin's code