Releases: tc39/ecmarkup
Releases · tc39/ecmarkup
Version 9.1.0
Adds two new lint rules, which may break your build if you are using --lint-spec --strict
Version 9.0.2
v9.0.2 Version 9.0.2
Version 9.0.1
v9.0.1 Version 9.0.1
- Update the biblio file to latest spec draft (this also has the effect of fixing clause xrefs to titles containing unprocessed ecmarkup).
- Exit with 1 when there are build failures.
- Spaces after !/? annotations in algorithms are now non-breaking.
- Added a new type of note - Editor's note!
<emu-note type=editor>Note to the editors!</emu-note>
Version 3.2.6
- Autolinks to dfns may now contain extra spaces and linebreaks where the term contains a space (eg. "strict\nmode" will autolink to "strict mode".
- Dfns containing one or more spaces will link to terms with only one space (eg. "strict\nmode" will autolink to "strict mode")
Version 3.2.4
Version 3.2.3
This release simply updates JSDom to 9.0.0 which brings with it some pretty major performance wins.
Version 3.2.2
These notes describe all the changes since version 3.0.0.
- No longer auto-link terms and algorithms inside anchors and var tags.
- Pre+code blocks have their leading and trailing whitespace trimmed and indentation normalized based on the initial indentation level. This means you don't have to start your code sample on the same line as the pre+code tags.
- Added .ins and .del classes for table rows and list items (#81)
- Updated to Grammarkdown 1.0.1 (fixed a few grammar rendering issues).
- Added a namespace element to clauses. Anything defined in a namespaced clause is defining within the namespace only. This is useful for when you want to include some example productions or algorithms that have the same name as actual productions or algorithms located elsewhere in the spec (eg. ECMA262's Notational Conventions clause).
- Updated biblio to ES2016.
- Numerous bug fixes.
Version 2.8.0
This release adds a quick search box to the floating menu that will fuzzily search clause numbers and titles, abstract operation names, and grammar production names. A global shortcut "" is available to begin searching. Press enter to select the top item.