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DBSP formalization


Lean formalization of the theory behind DBSP, a language for expressing incremental view maintenance for databases.

DBSP can be divided into two parts: a general theory of operators over streams, and a specialization of that theory to implement relational algebra queries.

Defining the basic DBSP operators

  • stream.lean defines infinite streams over an arbitrary type a as ℕ → a.
  • operators.lean defines the notion of an operator (a function between streams) and properties of operators (like causality, strictness). It defines three core operators: the pointwise lifting of a function, the delay operator z⁻¹, and a general fixpoint construction for constructing a stream recursively.
  • linear.lean defines the differentiation and integration operators for streams over an arbitrary group, and the associated property of linearity.
  • incremental.lean defines the core DBSP idea of the incrementalization Q^Δ of an operator Q, defind as D ∘ Q ∘ I. It also has proofs of an equational theory of incrementalization.
  • circuits.lean defines a "circuit", which is a restricted language for defining operators. We can define and prove correct a general algorithm for incrementalizing and optimizing any circuit, and thus any operator expressible as a circuit.

Relational algebra in DBSP

  • zset.lean defines Z-sets, a generalization of multisets used to model relations and changes to relations. A Z-set Z[A] over a type A is a function from A to integers with finite support: only finitely many elements map to non-zero integers.
  • relational.lean defines versions of the basic relational operators over Z-sets, and proves that they implement the set versions of the operators in an appropriate sense. This includes the DBSP-specific distinct operator, used to convert a Z-set to a set.
  • relational_incremental.lean proves some rules for the incremental version of relational operators (perhaps most interestingly, of the lifted distinct operator).
  • relational_example.lean is a self-contained file that works through an example of optimizing a relational query and its incremental version.
  • stream_elim.lean defines stream introduction and elimination functions δ0 and . Stream elimination is complicated because it is only computable for streams that are zero almost everywhere.
  • recursive.lean defines and proves the correctness of a circuit that implements the recursive version of a relational query. This uses the stream introduction and elimination functions to create a new time domain, which we can think of as successive iterations of the recursion (rather than the usual notion of time).
  • aggregation.lean defines the count and sum aggregations, which go from a Z-set to a number.


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Copyright 2022-2023 VMware, Inc.

SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause



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