a compact and functional system for generating complex simplex noise layers for procedural generation
the simplest implementation with in-editor control
public class ProceduralGeneration : Monobehaviour
// accessible from the inspector
public Noise.Layer noiseLayer;
public void Awake()
foreach (var item in collection)
// this will generate a noise value for the given vector3 in accordance
// with the noiseLayer properties passed to the function.
// the entire class is static so you don't need to create random instances
// of generators across a bunch of different classes
var noiseValue = Noise.GenerateValue(noiseLayer, vector3);
public enum Type { Simple, Rigid, Brownian, Swiss };
[System.Serializable] public class Layer
public bool enabled = true;
public bool subtract;
public Type noiseType;
public bool useMask;
public Layer mask;
public SimplexGenerator generator = new SimplexGenerator();
[Range(01, 004)] public int octaves = 3;
[Range(00, 001)] public float strength = 0.25f;
[Range(00, .1f)] public float baseRoughness = 0.001f;
[Range(00, 010)] public float roughness = 4f;
[Range(00, 002)] public float persistence = 0.5f;
[Range(00, 001)] public float threshold = 0.5f;
public Vector3 offset = Vector3.zero;