This is a boilerplate repo for using react with ES6 and browserify, and running it with gulp.
npm install
After the installation, run gulp
and browse to http://localhost:8888
The compiled code can be found in dist/bundle/app.js.
- A gulpfile with livereload
- Compilation of the jsx [1]
- Compilation of ES6 to ES5 [2], [3]
This shows only the relevant steps. All the steps can be found in gulpfile.js. The main compilation step is shown below. Most of the inspiration comes from [7]. You should check this post, there is a great gulpfile included!
Because we also include react in the browserify steps, we use watchify to make the incremental builds fast.
function compileScripts(watch) {
gutil.log('Starting browserify');
// The main script
var entryFile = './app/jsx/app.jsx';
// Set experimental to true to use features like let, const,...
es6ify.traceurOverrides = {experimental: true};
var bundler;
// Use watchify for fast updates, otherwise use browserify
if (watch) {
bundler = watchify(entryFile);
} else {
bundler = browserify(entryFile);
// Include react
// Compile the jsx files
// Compile ES6 features. Make sure to set configure is you use .jsx files
var rebundle = function () {
// Debug: true: creates sourcemaps
var stream = bundler.bundle({ debug: true});
stream.on('error', function (err) { console.error(err) });
// Source uses vinyl-source-stream. This lets us use the browserify api directly instead of using the gulp-browserify plugin [4].
stream = stream.pipe(source(entryFile));
// rename the resulting file to app.js and save it to dist/bundle
// When watchify see an update, run rebundle.
bundler.on('update', rebundle);
return rebundle();
import React from 'react'; // import react
class _MainSection {
render() {
return (
<h1>Example of React with es6 and browserify</h1>
<Body />
export const MainSection = React.createClass(_MainSection.prototype);
We can create ES6 classes, but have to export it with React.createClass
[5]. Importing the created files can be done like this:
import {MainSection} from './components/MainSection.react.jsx';
class _Body {
getClassName() {
return 'foo';
render() {
const x = 'x';
return (
<div className={`${x} ${this.getClassName()} bar`}>
Hello there!
As you can see, you can use template literals [6] to create your classnames.
- [0] Browserify -
- [1] Reactify -
- [2] es6ify -
- [3] traceur-compiler -
- [4] vinyl-source-stream -
- [5] react-es6-class -
- [6] Template Literals -
- [7] Fast build with browserify and reactjs -