Docker settings for running Scrapy spiders over the Tor network.
❯ docker run --rm tcurvelo/scrapy-tor
It will wait for the Tor circuit to be established then request the Tor Project's check page. About a minute later you'll see its title confirming that it worked:
2022-04-30 23:46:21 [torcheck] INFO:
✨ Congratulations. This browser is configured to use Tor. ✨
docker run -it --rm tcurvelo/scrapy-tor scrapy shell
Simply extend it in your Dockerfile
FROM tcurvelo/scrapy-tor
COPY . .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
Then build and run:
❯ docker build . -t my-scrapy-project
❯ docker run -it my-scrapy-project scrapy crawl my_spider