Install Clone from Amazon s3.
jgit "/app/app_name" do
repository "amazon-s3://IAM@backet-name/app.git"
revision "master"
action :sync
jgit resource is extend from git resource. see
Key | Type | Description | Default |
['jgit']['path'] | String | path to copy jgit binary | "/usr/local/bin/jgit" |
['jgit']['source'] | String | URL of jgit releases | "" |
['jgit']['checksum'] | String | checksum of jgit binary | "03548ab0660fb275c5cbf260cb6f7a41412f8fb4b11016ce6025bb2336566b52" |
Just include jgit
in your node's run_list
"run_list": [
WARNING : jgit::install is not install 'jre(Java Runtime Environment)', but jgit need jre. you need jre by othre recipe.
- Fork the repository on Github
- Create a named feature branch (like
) - Write your change
- Write tests for your change (if applicable)
- Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
- Submit a Pull Request using Github
Public domain