Technical analisy for swift. A swift package following ta4j to enable basic functionality for technical analysis of financial data.
The focus of this library lays on easy to use structs and classes enabling basic functionality to create and use indicators, trading rules and combine them into a strategy. Strategies can be used for backtesting or live trading with a trading bot.
A BarSeries
is a class containing a name property and an array of Bars
. It represents an symbol (like AAPL stocks) or an any other financial time series that should be analysed (like a crypto currency or futures).
- the name property should identify this bar series
- each
in the bars property represents a timestamp with open, high, low, closed and volume data
Indicators are structs that store a specific formular as a property called calc
. The formular is defined as a closure and describes how a value of this indicator for a specific index is calcuated:
public typealias (BarSeries, Int) -> Double = (BarSeries, Int) -> Double
- the closure takes two arguments: the
on that this inidcator should be applied on and the index for which the value should be calculated. The index and the corresponding barSeries must be provided for each call of the closure. - as an example, the calc closure for the
would look like this:
let calc: (BarSeries, Int) -> Double = { barSeries, index in var sum = 0.0 for i in Swift.max(0, index - barCount + 1)...index { sum += indicator.calc(barSeries, i) } return sum / Double(Swift.min(barCount, index + 1)) }
- the closure takes two arguments: the
(in progress...)
(in progress...)
// create a series with ohlcv data
let applSeries = readAppleIncSeries("AAPL")
// create indicators
let smaLong = applSeries.sma(barCount: 20)
let smaShort = applSeries.sma(barCount: 10)
// create rules based on indicators
let exitRule = CrossedDownRule(indicator1: smaShort, indicator2: smaLong)
let entryRule = CrossedUpRule(indicator1: smaShort, indicator2: smaLong)
// create a strategy based on rules
let strategy = BaseStrategy(entryRule: entryRule, exitRule: exitRule)
// run the strategy on the series
let tradingRecord = applSeries, strategy: strategy, type: .buy)
// print result of run
for (index, position) in tradingRecord.positions.enumerated() {
print("Position \(index): \(position)")
Position 0: Position[Entry: buy at: 32 Exit: sell at: 37]
Position 1: Position[Entry: buy at: 53 Exit: sell at: 65]
Position 2: Position[Entry: buy at: 84 Exit: sell at: 98]
Position 3: Position[Entry: buy at: 106 Exit: sell at: 113]
Position 4: Position[Entry: buy at: 132 Exit: sell at: 172]
Position 5: Position[Entry: buy at: 189 Exit: sell at: 219]
Position 6: Position[Entry: buy at: 227 Exit: sell at: 247]
let myCustomIndicator = RawIndicator(){
{ // write your custom function into the trailing closure
(series, index) in
return series.bars[index].closePrice / series.bars[index].highPrice
// create an instance of your indicator with a cache
let myCachedIndicator = myCustomIndicator.cached
let bars = createBars(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18)
let barSeries = BarSeries(name: "Test", bars: bars)
let close = barSeries.close
let constant = ConstantValueIndicator{ 10 }
let closePriceMinusTen = close.minus(constant)
let closePriceMinusTenAbs = closePriceMinusTen.abs()
let aaplSeries = readAppleIncSeries("AAPL")
let variance = VarianceIndicator(barCount: 10) { aaplSeries.close }
let standardDeciatationValues = variance.sqrt().valueMap(for: aaplSeries)
let varianceValues = variance.valueMap(for: aaplSeries)
for (date, value) in varianceValues{
print("Variance(10) for \(date): \(value)")
print("Standard Deviatation (10) for \(date): \(standardDeciatationValues[date]!)")
// Closure for creating an example strategy that can be reused
let emaShortLongStrategy: () -> Strategy = {
// create indicators
let smaLong = SMAIndicator(barCount: 20)
let smaShort = SMAIndicator(barCount: 10)
// create rules based on indicators
let exitRule = CrossedDownRule(indicator1: smaShort, indicator2: smaLong)
let entryRule = CrossedUpRule(indicator1: smaShort, indicator2: smaLong)
// create a strategy based on rules
return BaseStrategy(entryRule: entryRule, exitRule: exitRule)
func testExampleWithTwoSeries() {
// create two series with ohlcv data
let applSeries = readAppleIncSeries("AAPL")
let bitcoinSeries = readBitcoinSeries("Bitcoin-USD")
// create a strategy
let strategy = emaShortLongStrategy()
// run the strategy on both series
let tradingRecords = [applSeries, bitcoinSeries], strategy: strategy, type: .buy)
// print result of runs
let appleSeriesName =
print("Result of run for \(appleSeriesName)")
for (index, position) in tradingRecords[appleSeriesName]!.positions.enumerated() {
print("Position \(index): \(position)")
let bitcoinSeriesName =
print("Result of run for \(bitcoinSeriesName)")
for (index, position) in tradingRecords[bitcoinSeriesName]!.positions.enumerated() {
print("Position \(index): \(position)")
Result of run for AAPL
Position 0: Position[Entry: buy at: 32 Exit: sell at: 37]
Position 1: Position[Entry: buy at: 53 Exit: sell at: 65]
Position 2: Position[Entry: buy at: 84 Exit: sell at: 98]
Position 3: Position[Entry: buy at: 106 Exit: sell at: 113]
Position 4: Position[Entry: buy at: 132 Exit: sell at: 172]
Position 5: Position[Entry: buy at: 189 Exit: sell at: 219]
Position 6: Position[Entry: buy at: 227 Exit: sell at: 247]
Result of run for Bitcoin-USD
Position 0: Position[Entry: buy at: 26 Exit: sell at: 48]
Position 1: Position[Entry: buy at: 56 Exit: sell at: 143]
Position 2: Position[Entry: buy at: 152 Exit: sell at: 179]
Position 3: Position[Entry: buy at: 180 Exit: sell at: 182]
Position 4: Position[Entry: buy at: 201 Exit: sell at: 214]
Position 5: Position[Entry: buy at: 235 Exit: sell at: 246]
Position 20: Position[Entry: buy at: 840 Exit: sell at: 850]
Position 21: Position[Entry: buy at: 881 Exit: sell at: 890]
Position 22: Position[Entry: buy at: 902 Exit: sell at: 908]
Position 23: Position[Entry: buy at: 923 Exit: sell at: 970]
Position 24: Position[Entry: buy at: 993 Exit: sell at: 1020]
Position 25: Position[Entry: buy at: 1026 Exit: sell at: 1038]
Position 26: Position[Entry: buy at: 1075 Exit: sell at: 1083]