React Native boilerplate templates for the Airfoil CLI.
All templates have some common libraries baked into them such as React Navigation and React Native Config.
A minimalist app built on Axios and the Context API.
A turbocharged starter-kit using Apollo Client and GraphQL.
Sane Prettier Defaults
Typescript enabled by default
Opinionated Directory Structure
. └── app/ ├── components/ ├── hooks/ ├── navigation/ ├── screens/ ├── services/ ├── utils/ ├── App.tsx ├── constants.ts └── global.d.ts
Relative local imports
import HomeScreen from '@app/screens/HomeScreen'
ErrorBoundary already set up
First React Navigation route already set up
React Native Config hooked up to load
vars intoapp/constants.ts
Install base dependencies, and install dependencies for any template(s) you wish to run/test.
# install dev dependencies - needed only for global testing
yarn install
# install all templates
yarn install-templates
# install a specific template
yarn install-blimp
yarn install-jet
Then, to run a template:
yarn ios-blimp
yarn ios-jet
yarn android-blimp
yarn android-jet
# test all templates
yarn test
# test a specific template
yarn test-blimp
yarn test-jet
To contribute, open a new pull request and tag someone as a reviewer.
Make sure all tests are passing.
All feature requests, bug reports, questions, etc. welcome! Please submit issues here.