The purpose of this application is to decouple the need to create emails inside of an ESP (Email Sending/Service Provider). This was born of out becoming tired of having to manage the creation of emails that was sent across three plus ESPs. It is a Graphql and React application that provides previews and CRUD operations leveraging the MJML email framework.
- MJML v4 (Email template language)
- React bootstrapped through Create React App
- Apollo
- Client
- Server
- MongoDB
- Mongoose to work with MongoDB
- Nodemailer
- Node Foreman to run server and client app
See their docs for more information
You will need your own mongodb setup, suggest the sandbox plan on mLab. You will configure that in .env. Email transport is through nodemailer, you will configure that through .env as well.
With git:
git clone
cd jemal
npm install
touch .env.development.local
npm run dev # for development
npm run build && npm start # for prod
With Docker:
docker build . -t jemal/jemal
docker run --env-file=.env.development.local -p 4000:4000 jemal/jemal
Refer to Create React App for the different type of .env filenames it supports; the server will supoort those out of the box too.
MONGO_URI= <your mongodb connection>
NODEMAILER_SERVICE= <your nodemailer service>
NODEMAILER_USER= <your nodemailer user>
NODEMAILER_PASS= <your nodemailer pass>
Client app is housed in the src
The CRA index.html is in the public
folder, along with anything you need exposed, well, to the public
General components go into the src/Components
Create your routes in the src/routes
Pull them into the file App.js
. If you need auth, use the <PrivateRoute />
component, that will handle the hardwork for you.
Follow the Apollo best practices, it handles all the caching, data request, etc for us :)
Using material-ui to handle the pretty parts
Server code is in the server
holds custom MJML components that you may want to build out
holds (organized by feature):
- Mongoose Models
- Apollo Graphql resolvers
- Apollo Graphql Schema
contains shared code, like the email transport, email render function, and saving the email template partial to the file system.
contains, well goodies for the public
The server will output two folders to work, a hidden from VCS folder in server
named emails
and one in the root of project named emails
. This needs to be refactored, but the purpose will be the same, it is the holding space for the compiled MJML files and the screenshots taken by the system. The resolver needs to read the MJML files to generate the html for the iframe preview and copy to clipboard function.
Note: you can pull the user off of context
. That has been configured in server.js
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const EmailPartialSchema = new Schema({
title: { type: String },
createdAt: { type: Date, default: },
createdById: { type: String },
updatedAt: { type: Date, default: },
updatedById: { type: String },
folderPath: { type: String },
mjmlSource: { type: String },
organizationId: { type: String },
const EmailPartial = mongoose.model('EmailPartial', EmailPartialSchema);
export default EmailPartial;
import { EmailPartial } from '../models'
import { saveTemplatePartial } from '../../helpers';
const EmailPartialResolver = {
Query: {
getCurrentEmailPartial: async (root, { _id }, { user }) => {
if (!user) throw new Error('Must be logged in');
if (!_id) throw new Error('Must have email partial id');
const emailPartialsFound = await EmailPartial.findOne({ _id }, (err, org) => { if (err) console.error(err) });
return emailPartialsFound;
Mutation: {
deleteEmailPartial: async (root, { _id }, { user }) => {
if (!user._id) throw new Error('Must be logged in');
if (!_id) throw new Error('Must have email partial Id');
// todo: remove partials from fs on removal
await EmailPartial.findOneAndRemove({ _id })
return {_id: ''}
import { gql } from "apollo-server";
const EmailPartial = gql`
extend type Query {
getCurrentEmailPartial(_id: String!): EmailPartial
getAllEmailPartials(_id: String! offset: Int limit: Int): [EmailPartial]
getEmailPartialsCount(_id: String!): Count
downloadAllPartials: [EmailPartial]
type EmailPartial {
_id: ObjectID
title: String!
createdAt: String
createdById: String
updatedAt: String
updatedById: String
folderPath: String
mjmlSource: String
organizationId: String
extend type Mutation {
createEmailPartial(title: String!, mjmlSource: String, organizationId: String!, folderPath: String): EmailPartial
editEmailPartial(_id: String!, title: String!, mjmlSource: String!, organizationId: String!, folderPath: String): EmailPartial
deleteEmailPartial(_id: String!): EmailPartial
duplicateEmailPartial(_id: String!): EmailPartial
export default EmailPartial;
Import the pertinent files into their respective index.js
and that will be automagically be loaded into server.js
for you!
This app will be setup to deploy to your own instance of Documentation for that is coming soon as the deploy script is finalized.
- Fork it ( )
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create new Pull Request
See the issues marked: Help Wanted