This is a MERN stack template for future projects of mine.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Download Node LTS version here:
- Download VSCode from here:
- Install both before continuing
- Download MongoDB from here don’t do anything with it just yet.
Open Visual Studio Code (Referred to as VSCode)
In the left side bar, click the square icon to open the extensions menu
Install the extensions:
- Prettier
- EditorConfig for VSCode
- Visual Studio Intellicode
- ESLint
After installing ESLint, go into its settings by clicking the cog in it’s listing in the extenstion tab, and clicking ‘Configure Extenstion Settings’
In here, enable auto fix on save. Once thats done, close the ESLint tab that is open, and press Command-Shift-P on Mac, or Ctrl-Shift-P on windows, and type ‘Git Clone’ into the box that appears and hit enter.
In the box that then comes up, enter:
Then press enter, then once that is done, click open in the bottom right.
Once the project loads up, on both Mac and windows, press Ctrl-BACKTICK (the key next to the number 1 on your kb). This opens terminal and is a super useful shortcut :)
Checkout working by typing:
git checkout --track origin/working
In the terminal type
npm install
and hit enter. -
Once that finshes, the project is ready to go :)
Open the zip file mongodb came in, for mac users, go to the bin folder and double click mongod to start mongoDB. Windows users look for a similar file and run it.
Start the web page and server by typing
npm run dev
into terminal. -
The site is now available at
Test information and breakdown to come soon :)
Deployment information coming soon :)
- MongoDB - Database used. Will change in the future when API used instead.
- React - Frontend JavaScript library.
- Express -Server/routing API for web app.
- Node - Backend JS runtime.
- Webpack - JS bundler for performance and ease of deployment.
- Sass - Used for easier CSS styling.
- Bootstrap - Frontend framework for website elements and styling.
- Bradley Windybank
- arkon
- A fork of