Dockerized Shadowsocks client with HTTP proxy and support for salsa20/chacha20.
Exposes a privoxy HTTP proxy which can be set as system proxy or used by other docker containers that need proxying through shaodowsocks.
Also check out the compatible shadowsocks-server
$ edit ./proxy # Insert your server details at the top of the file.
$ echo `make` >> ~/.bashrc # Will install script to ~/bin and set your path accordingly.
You probbly want to persist your path in your .bashrc
$ eval `proxy on` # Will start shadowsocks-client container and set http_proxy environment variables.
$ eval `proxy off` # Removes container and unsets http_proxy environment variables.
The first time the script is run it will take some time to download image from docker hub. Output is redirected to /dev/null since stdout is used to eval environment variables once container is started.
$ docker run -it `proxy docker` ubuntu:14.04 bash # Runs a proxied docker container.
docker run -d \
--name shadowsocks-client \
-p ${HTTP_PROXY_PORT}:8118
tedostrem/shadowsocks-client \
-b \
-l ${SS_SOCKS5_PORT} \
docker run -it --link shadowsocks-client \
-e http_proxy=shadowsocks:8118 \
-e https_proxy=shadowsocks:8118 \
centos bash