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Paella Player Bundle

Bundle based on Symfony to work with the PuMuKIT Video Platform.

This bundle overrides the Pumukit Player Bundle. It adds a Paella Player to the WebTV Portal to be used instead of the default Player Bundle

composer require teltek/pumukit-paella-player-bundle

The base Player needs to be uninstalled in order for the Paella Player to work properly:

Remove the next line from config/bundles.php

Pumukit\PlayerBundle\PumukitPlayerBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Remove the next lines from config/routes/annotations.yaml

  resource: "@PumukitPlayerBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
  prefix:   /

Remove file config/packages/pumukit_player.yaml

Add PaellaPlayer line from config/bundles.php

Pumukit\PaellaPlayerBundle\PumukitPaellaPlayerBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Add PaellaPlayer lines on config/routes/annotations.yaml

  resource: "@PumukitPaellaPlayerBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
  prefix:   /

Then execute the following commands

$ php app/console cache:clear
$ php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
$ php app/console assets:install