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Handy hardhat boilerplate for smart contracts development on Solidity

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Hardhat solidity boilerplate

This repository contains a template that you can use to develop smart contracts on Solidity. It use hardhat and hardhat plugins. Feel free to contribute this repo


  • Customized hardhat config
  • Handy compilied dir (/build) with deployments, abis, artifacts and typechain
  • Fully typed tests with examples
  • Mocha gas reporter plugin
  • Hardhat deploy plugin
  • One-command verifier (etherscan-verify)
  • Examples for deploy, tasks and tests

What’s Included?

Your environment will have everything you need to build a Dapp powered by Hardhat and React.

  • Hardhat: An Ethereum development task runner and testing network.
  • Mocha: A JavaScript test runner.
  • Chai: A JavaScript assertion library.
  • Ethers.js: A JavaScript library for interacting with Ethereum.
  • Waffle: To have Ethereum-specific Chai assertions/mathers.
  • Mocha gas reporter: A Mocha reporter for Ethereum test suites
  • Hardhat deploy: A hardhat plugin for replicable deployments and easy testing


  • Solhint


$ nvm use && yarn install

Quick start


Use this command to deploy your contracts from /deploy dir

$ npx hardhat deploy 
  • --network <network>. Select network to deploy
  • --reset. This flag resets the deployments from scratch. Previously deployed contract are not considered and deleted from disk.
  • --tags <tag1> <tag2>. Only excute deploy scripts with the given tags (separated by commas) and their dependencies

More about options you can read here


This task will submit the contract source and other info of all deployed contracts to allow etherscan to verify and record the sources.

$ npx hardhat etherscan-verify --solc-input

More about options you can read here


This task will export the contract deployed (saved in deployments folder) to a file with a simple format containing only contract addresses and abi, useful for web apps.

$ npx hardhat --network <network> export --export deployments/<network>.json

More about options you can read here


Run tests for your smart contracts. Boilerplate offers you fully typed test through Mocha context redeclare. With mocha.context.d.ts you can types all your contracts, variables and then use it with your context.

$ npx hardhat test <test_path>
// example in tests/ERC20Mock.test.ts
it("Should transfer tokens between accounts", async function () {
    const transferAmount = ethers.utils.parseUnits("100", 6)
    // this.token1 type is ERC20Mock
    // this.bob type is SignerWithAddress
    await this.token1.connect(this.bob).transfer(this.alice.address, transferAmount)

    const aliceBalance = await this.token1.balanceOf(this.alice.address)

Use gas reporter to get actual transaction fee for your Mocha tests

# Get free CMC api key
# Enable/Disable gas reposter
# Paste blockchain native token name
# Gas price api if you use not Ethereum blockchain

Read about gas reposter more here