This repository contains a collection of minor jQuery plugins which are too small, too simple, or just not exciting enough to require individual pages. More will be added as I find the time... and the code!
Visit the project page for more information and usage examples!
- jQuery :attached, :detached selectors - Selectors that match elements currently attached to or detached from the DOM.
- jQuery each2 - If you're going to use
inside an.each
loop, iterating over many thousands of elements, use this plugin instead. It's faster. - jQuery getClassData - If you're not yet using HTML 5 data- attributes, you can store basic data in an element's class attribute for easy retrieval.
- jQuery getUniqueClass - For when you really need a unique classname.
- jQuery isjQuery - Determine if an object reference is a jQuery object.
- jQuery loadAdScript - Load third party ad network scripts that use
into specific containers. - jQuery :nth-last-child selector - Works exactly like jQuery's built-in :nth-child selector, except that it counts from the end.
- jQuery queueFn - Execute any jQuery method or arbitrary function in the animation queue.
- jQuery scrollbarWidth - Calculate the scrollbar width dynamically!
- jQuery selectColorize - Basic cross-browser colored select boxes.
- jQuery serializeObject - Serialize a form into an object.
- jQuery viewportOffset - Calculate left and top from the element's position relative to the viewport, not the document.
These once-misc plugins have been "promoted" to full projects:
- jQuery replaceText - String replace for your jQueries!
- jQuery throttle / debounce - Rate-limit your functions in multiple useful ways, great for event callbacks.
- jQuery Untils - nextUntil, prevUntil, and parentsUntil traversal methods.
Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.