This is a fully functional Angular 6 App to upload to S3 directly from browser using Cognito user and identity pools. For architecture and background details go here.
- Create Bucket for upload your objects.
- Note: S3 bucket name should be globally unique.
- Enable CORS on S3 bucket with following CORS permissions.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="">
- Video instructions are available at
- Create cognito user pool.
- Video instructions are available at
- Create cognito identity pool and associate with user pool.
Note : Associate role for authenticated users with cognito identity pool with PutObject permission to the S3 buckets. You can also refer to the my identity pool policy.
- Video instructions are available at
git clone
cd ngx-s3-upload
- Update the bucket details and your s3 bucket default region:src/config/s3.ts accordingly.
- Update google analytics code: src/index.html accordingly.
- Update src/config/cognito.ts accordingly.
- Video instruction are available at
npm install
npm start
Once app is successfully started: open http://localhost:4200/ in your browser
- Go to http://localhost:4200
- Video instructions are available at
Video instructions are available at :
- After signin this page will be opened.
- You can add one file or multiple files by clicking on
add files
button. - After adding one file or multiple files, you can upload those files by clicking on
upload all
button or individually by clicking onupload
button. - Also you can clear and cancel.
- You can signout by clicking on
- After clicking on
link from upload page, this page will be opened. - Here you can see those files you uploaded.
- Video instructions are available at
- Create a new bucket on Amazon S3 for static website hosting.
- Update bucket policy on s3 bucket with the following policy
"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Allow Public Access to All Objects",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::s3-website-hosting/*"
npm run build
- Upload the build files on S3 bucket.
- In static website hosting choose "Use this bucket to host a website" option and put index.html in Index document option.
- Click the endpoint url generated on s3 bucket.
- Video instructions are available at:
Note: We are uploading files at a folder named by your email in S3 bucket.