The goal of this application is to demonstrate the automatic HTTP redirect to the Gusto login page when the Spring Webflux WebClient
class invokes a Gusto API.
This code works as expected. The problem is that I cannot get the same code to work in a JHipster generated application. I have an example JHipster application in Github with the same (well, very similar) code for invoking the Gusto API. However, the redirection doesn’t happen in the JHipster based application. See
From the top-level directory, execute the command
./mvnw -f client-app spring-boot:run
This runs the build setup in the client-app directory
The browser will redirect to the Gusto Login page and the Gusto Login page will be displayed.
This is as far as I have gotten. I don’t have the login information for Gusto.
The code that is being used here is the code in the client-app
To view and edit the code in Eclipse, import the client-app
directory as an existing maven project.
See the settings in the src/main/resources/application.yml
This code was adapted from the [Spring Security OAuth 5.2 Migration sample](