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Wallet Kit

A library for interacting with Station from React dApps. Additional features like signBytes, suggestNetwork, and switchNetwork are coming soon.

Basic Usage

First, please add <meta name="terra-wallet" /> on your html page.

Browser extensions (e.g. Station chrome extension) will not attempt to connect in a Web app where this <meta name="terra-wallet"> tag is not found.

<html lang="en">
    <meta name="terra-wallet" />

The implementation of WalletProvider and useWallet is similar to react-router-dom's <BrowserRouter>, useLocation().

import {
} from '@terra-money/wallet-kit'
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

// getInitialConfig(): Promise<{ defaultNetworks }>
getInitialConfig().then((defaultNetworks) =>
    <WalletProvider defaultNetworks={defaultNetworks}>
      <App />

First, wrap your React application with the <WalletProvider> component.

import { useWallet } from '@terra-money/wallet-kit';
import React from 'react';

function Component() {
  const { status, network, availableWallets } = useWallet();

  return (

Then, you can use hooks from wallet-kit like useWallet(), useConnectedWallet() and useLCDClient() anywhere in your app.

Key Differences with Wallet-Provider

  • useWallet() returns WalletResponse instead of Wallet
    • availableWallets instead of availableConnectTypes and availableInstallTypes and doesn't return supportFeatures.
    • other features like supportFeatures and addNetwork are not currently available
  • wallet addresses are now found in ConnectResponse from useConnectedWallet(). ConnectResponse also now returns the wallet and network name.



By default, WalletProvider supports chains and networks contained in the station-assets repository as returned by getInitialConfig. You can modify these by passing your own defaultNetworks.

import { WalletProvider, InfoResponse, Wallet } from '@terra-money/wallet-kit';

// network information
const defaultNetworks: InfoResponse = {
  'phoenix-1': {
    chainID: 'phoenix-1',
    gasAdjustment: 1.75,
    gasPrices: {
      uluna: 0.015,
    lcd: '',
    prefix: 'terra',
  'osmosis-1' : {

WalletProvider includes Station wallet by default. You can pass additional wallets that implement the Wallet interface.

const extraWallet: Wallet = {
  id: 'extra-wallet,
  isInstalled: !!window?.isExtraWalletInstalled,
  // methods to connect, post/sign transactions, add/remove listeners
  details: {
    name: 'extra-wallet'

    <App />

This is a hook used to trigger core wallet functionality.

export interface WalletResponse {
  status: WalletStatus;
   * current client status
   * this will be one of WalletStatus.INITIALIZING | WalletStatus.WALLET_NOT_CONNECTED | WalletStatus.WALLET_CONNECTED
   * INITIALIZING = checking that the session and the chrome extension installation. (show the loading to users)
   * WALLET_NOT_CONNECTED = there is no connected wallet (show the connect and install options to users)
   * WALLET_CONNECTED = there is aconnected wallet (show the wallet info and disconnect button to users)
   network: InfoResponse;
   * LCDCLientConfig information for all chains on the selected network
    availableWallets: {
      id: string;
      isInstalled: boolean | undefined;
      name: string;
      icon: string;
      website?: string | undefined;
   * available wallets that can be connected from the browser
  connect: (id?: string) => void;
   * use connect in conjunction with availableWallets to connect the wallet to the web page
   * @example
   * ```
   * const { availableWallets, connect } = useWallet()
   * return (
   *  <div>
   *    {
   *{ id, name, isInstalled }) => (
   *        <butotn key={id} disabled={!isInstalled} onClick={() => connect(id)}>
   *          <img src={icon} /> Connect {name}
   *        </button>
   *      ))
   *    }
   *  </div>
   * )
   * ```
  disconnect: () => void;
     * disconnect
     * @example
     * ```
     * const { status, disconnect } = useWallet()
     * return status === WalletStatus.WALLET_CONNECTED &&
     *  <button onClick={() => disconnect()}>
     *    Disconnect
     *  </button>
     * ```
    post: (tx: CreateTxOptions) => Promise<PostResponse>;
   * post transaction
   * @example
   * ```
   * const { post } = useWallet()
   * const callback = useCallback(async () => {
   *   try {
   *    const result: PostResponse = await post({ ...txOptions })
   *    // DO SOMETHING...
   *   } catch (error) {
   *     if (error instanceof UserDenied) {
   *       // DO SOMETHING...
   *     } else {
   *       // DO SOMETHING...
   *     }
   *   }
   * }, [])
   * ```
   * @param { txOptions } tx transaction data
   * @return { Promise<PostResponse> }
   * @throws { UserDenied } user denied the tx
   * @throws { CreateTxFailed } did not create txhash (error dose not broadcasted)
   * @throws { TxFailed } created txhash (error broadcated)
   * @throws { Timeout } user does not act anything in specific time
   * @throws { TxUnspecifiedError } unknown error
  sign: (tx: CreateTxOptions) => Promise<Tx>
   * sign transaction
   * @example
   * ```
   * const { sign } = useWallet()
   * const lcd = useLCDClient()
   * const callback = useCallback(async () => {
   *   try {
   *    const result: SignResult = await sign({ ...txOptions })
   *    // Broadcast SignResult
   *    const tx = result.result
   *    const txResult = await lcd.tx.broadcastSync(tx)
   *    // DO SOMETHING...
   *   } catch (error) {
   *     if (error instanceof UserDenied) {
   *       // DO SOMETHING...
   *     } else {
   *       // DO SOMETHING...
   *     }
   *   }
   * }, [])
   * ```
   * @param { CreateTxOptions } tx transaction data
   * @return { Promise<Tx> }
   * @throws { UserDenied } user denied the tx
   * @throws { CreateTxFailed } did not create txhash (error dose not broadcasted)
   * @throws { TxFailed } created txhash (error broadcated)
   * @throws { Timeout } user does not act anything in specific time
   * @throws { TxUnspecifiedError } unknown error
import { useConnectedWallet } from '@terra-money/wallet-kit'

function Component() {
  const connected = useConnectedWallet()
  if (!connected) return <div> Not Connected </div>
  const isLedger = connected.ledger
  const walletName =
  const networkName = // mainnet, testnet, classic, localterra
  const pubKey = connected.pubkey // returns 118 and 330 standards
  return (
    <div> name: {walletName} network: {networkName} ledger: {isLedger} pubkeys: {JSON.stringify(pubkey)} </div>
    {Object.keys(connected.addresses).map((chainID) => <p> connected.addresses[chainID] </p>)}
import { useLCDClient } from '@terra-money/wallet-kit';

function Component() {
  const lcd = useLCDClient();

  const [result, setResult] = useState('');
  useEffect(() => {
    lcd.tx.estimateFee(signer, txOptions).then((fee) => {
  }, []);

  return <div>Result: {result}</div>;


new version of wallet-provider






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