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Deploys a VPC/VNET/VCN and Aviatrix Transit gateways.


Module version Terraform version Controller version Terraform provider version
v2.5.4 >= 1.3.0 >= 7.1 ~>3.1.0

Check release notes for more details. Check Compatibility list for older versions.

Warning: Upgrading from v1.x to v2.x has breaking changes! This was done to provide compatibility with the mc-firenet module. Check release notes for more details.

Usage Examples

See examples


The following variables are required:

key value
cloud Cloud where this is deployed. Valid values: "AWS", "Azure", "ALI", "OCI", "GCP"
region Cloud region to deploy this VPC/VNET/VCN in
cidr What ip CIDR to use for this VPC/VNET/VCN
account The account name as known by the Aviatrix controller

The following variables are optional:

= AWS, = Azure, = GCP, = OCI, = Alibaba

Key Supported_CSP's Default value Description
allocate_new_eip null When value is false, reuse an idle address in Elastic IP pool for this gateway. Otherwise, allocate a new Elastic IP and use it for this gateway.
approved_learned_cidrs A set of approved learned CIDRs. Only valid when enable_learned_cidrs_approval is set to true. Example: ["", ""]
availability_domain Availability domain in OCI.
az_support true Set to false if the region does not support Availability Zones. (Automatically set to false for gov and dod regions)
azure_eip_name_resource_group null Name of public IP Address resource and its resource group in Azure to be assigned to the Transit Gateway instance.

Concatenates with region to form az names. e.g. eu-central-1a. Only used for insane mode and AWS GWLB.

Concatenates with region to form az names. e.g. eu-central-1b. Only used for insane mode and AWS GWLB. If az1 and az2 are equal. Single AZ mode (deploy everyting in 1 AZ) is triggered.
bgp_ecmp false Enable Equal Cost Multi Path (ECMP) routing for the next hop
bgp_hold_time 180 Set the BGP Hold time.
bgp_lan_interfaces A list of interfaces to run BGP protocol on top of the ethernet interface
List of objects with structure here.
bgp_lan_interfaces_count Number of interfaces that will be created for BGP over LAN enabled Azure transit.
bgp_manual_spoke_advertise_cidrs Intended CIDR list to advertise via BGP. Example: ","
bgp_polling_time 50 BGP route polling time. Unit is in seconds
connected_transit true Set to false to disable connected_transit
customized_transit_vpc_routes A list of CIDRs to be customized for the transit VPC routes.
customer_managed_keys Customer managed key ID for EBS Volume encryption.
eip null Required when allocate_new_eip is false. It uses the specified EIP for this gateway.
enable_active_standby false Enables Active-Standby Mode. Available only with HA enabled.
enable_active_standby_preemptive false Enables Preemptive Mode for Active-Standby. Available only with BGP enabled, HA enabled and Active-Standby enabled.
enable_advertise_transit_cidr false Switch to enable/disable advertise transit VPC network CIDR for a VGW connection
enable_bgp_over_lan false Enable BGP over LAN. Creates interface for integration with SDWAN or other BGP peerings over LAN.
enable_egress_transit_firenet false Enable Egress Transit FireNet
enable_encrypt_volume false Set to true to enable EBS volume encryption for Gateway.
enable_firenet false Sign of readiness for FireNet connection with TGW
enable_gateway_load_balancer false Enable FireNet interfaces with AWS Gateway Load Balancer.
enable_gro_gso true Enable GRO/GSO for this transit gateway.
enable_monitor_gateway_subnets false If set to true, the Monitor Gateway Subnets feature in AWS is enabled.
enable_multi_tier_transit false Switch to enable multi tier transit
enable_s2c_rx_balancing false Allows to toggle the S2C receive packet CPU re-balancing on transit gateway.
enable_segmentation false Switch to true to enable transit segmentation
enable_transit_firenet false Sign of readiness for Transit FireNet connection
enable_transit_summarize_cidr_to_tgw false Enable summarize CIDR to TGW.
enable_preserve_as_path false Enable preserve as_path when advertising manual summary cidrs on BGP transit gateway.
enable_vpc_dns_server null Enable VPC DNS Server for Gateway.
excluded_advertised_spoke_routes null A list of comma-separated CIDRs to be advertised to on-prem as 'Excluded CIDR List'.
fault_domain Fault domain in OCI.
filtered_spoke_vpc_routes A list of comma separated CIDRs to be filtered from the spoke VPC route table.
gw_name Name for the transit gateway.
gw_subnet Subnet CIDR, for using an existing VPC. Required when use_existing_vpc is enabled. Make sure this is a public subnet.
ha_availability_domain Availability domain in OCI for HA GW.
ha_azure_eip_name_resource_group null Name of public IP Address resource and its resource group in Azure to be assigned to the Transit Gateway instance.
ha_bgp_lan_interfaces A list of interfaces to run BGP protocol on top of the ethernet interface
List of objects with structure here.
ha_cidr The IP CIDR to be used to create ha_region spoke subnet. Only required when ha_region is set.
ha_eip null Required when allocate_new_eip is false. It uses the specified EIP for this gateway.
ha_fault_domain Fault domain in OCI for HA GW.
ha_gw true Set to false if you only want to deploy a single Aviatrix spoke gateway
ha_region Region for multi region HA. HA is multi-az single region by default, but will become multi region when this is set.
hagw_subnet Subnet CIDR, for using an existing VPC. Required when use_existing_vpc is enabled and ha_gw is true. Make sure this is a public subnet.
hybrid_connection false Sign of readiness for TGW connection
insane_mode false Set to true to enable insane mode encryption
instance_size (insane mode/firenet)

The size of the Aviatrix transit gateways when insane mode or Transit Firenet is enabled.

The size of the Aviatrix transit gateways.
lan_cidr CIDR For LAN VPC for GCP Firenet. Only required when deploying in GCP and enable_transit_firenet is true.
learned_cidr_approval false Switch to true to enable learned CIDR approval
learned_cidrs_approval_mode Learned cidrs approval mode. Defaults to Gateway. Valid values: gateway, connection
local_as_number Changes the Aviatrix Transit Gateway ASN number before you setup Aviatrix Transit Gateway connection configurations.
name avx-<region>-transit Name for this Transit VPC/VNET/VCN and it's gateways. Gateway name can be overridden with gw_name.
private_mode_lb_vpc_id VPC ID of Private Mode load balancer. Required when Private Mode is enabled on the Controller.
private_mode_subnets Switch to only launch private subnets. Only available when Private Mode is enabled on the Controller.
resource_group Specify existing resource group to deploy transit resources into.
rx_queue_size Gateway ethernet interface RX queue size. Once set, can't be deleted or disabled.
single_az_ha true Set to false if Controller managed Gateway HA is desired
single_ip_snat false Specify whether to enable Source NAT feature in single_ip mode on the gateway or not. Please disable AWS NAT instance before enabling this feature. Currently only supports AWS(1) and AZURE(8)
tags Map of tags to assign to the gateway.
tunnel_detection_time The IPsec tunnel down detection time for the Spoke Gateway in seconds. Must be a number in the range [20-600]. Default is 60.
use_existing_vpc false Set to true to use existing VPC.
vpc_id VPC ID, for using an existing VPC.

GCP BGP over LAN interface object

The bgp_lan_interfaces and ha_bgp_lan_interfaces accept lists of objects with the following structure.

key optional default description
vpc_id true avx-<region>-transit-bgp-<bgp interface index>
avx-<region>-transit-ha-bgp-<bgp interface index>
Name of the VPC for the interface(s). Required if the VPC/subnet exists.
subnet false subnet CIDR of the subnet to use.
create_vpc true true if vpc_id is empty.
false if vpc_id is populated.
Create the BGP over LAN VPC. Required as true if specifying the VPC name.


This module will return the following outputs:

key description
vpc The created VPC as an object with all of it's attributes (when use_existing_vpc is false). This was created using the aviatrix_vpc resource.
transit_gateway The created Aviatrix transit gateway as an object with all of it's attributes.
mc_firenet_details Outputs specific for composing with mc-firenet module
module_metadata Information about the module, like module version.