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License: GPL v3 Developed by: Cisco


This repository will be archived. It is superseeded by a newer, more simplified Easy ACI, based on a YAML Schema Model.

This Module will be archived in September as I am no longer maintaining it. It is surperseeded above.

The two models were so different I didn't merge them here.

Easy ACI - Comprehensive example for ACI & NDO

There are two examples in this Repository. The first example is shown in the primary folders:

  • access-policies/
  • admin/
  • fabric-policies/
  • switch/
  • system_settings/
  • tenants/
  • virtual-networking/

This is to show an example of how the module can be used with a single ACI Fabric.

The more complex example is shown in the ./RICH/ Folder Structure. This is what is being used for our lab in Richfield Ohio. In these examples there are four sub-folders.

  • RICH/Asgard - The First ACI Fabric
  • RICH/Wakanda - The Second ACI Fabric
  • RICH/Odin - Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator managing the stretched Tenants Between the two Fabrics
  • RICH/shared_settings - YAML Data that is the same between Asgard and Wakanda

The Structure of the YAML Files is very flexible. You can have all the YAML Data in a single file or you can have it in multiple individual folders like is shown in this module. The important part is that the data.utils_yaml_merge.model is configured to read the folders that you put the Data into. In the single Data Center example the data is read from all the folders in the root path described above (access-policies, admin, fabric-policies, switch, system-settings, tenants, virtual-networking). In comparison, the Asgard and Wakanda Fabrics, read files in their respective home directory plus they shared data found in the ./RICH/shared_settings folder.

Additionally because the ./RICH/Odin/ Nexus Dashboard Fabric Only supports pushing configuration with the tenants module, currently, only the built_in_tenants and tenants modules are defined. The additional function for Odin is that it is pulling in the switch_profiles, from both Asgard and Wakanda, to build EPG -> Static Path Bindings in NDO.

Modify to match environment contains Terraform variables that I felt fit better outside of the YAML Data Model. These variables should be configured to be unique to the deployment environment, but examples are shown for the Richfield environemnt in the module.

Notes for the

  • APIC Attributes: used if the controller_type is apic.
  • NDO Attributes: used if the controller_type is ndo.
  • management_epgs: necessary if you are using inband EPG's, and or the ooband EPG is not default. Both true for our use case.
  • annotations: helpful, but not required. This is used on Tenant Objects that support the annotations attribute. You can customize this according to anything desired to add, but by default the use case is the version of the easy_aci module is being added.

Note 1: Modules can be added or removed dependent on the use case. The primary example shown is consuming/showing a full environment deployment. But in the ./RICH/Odin/ example, it is just using the tenant modules.

Note 2: The reason for the seperation of built_in_tenants vs tenants is to make sure objects are always created in common/mgmt first. So they can be consumed by user tenants or Admin/Fabric etc (management EPGs for example). If nothing is being configured in common/mgmt/infra the built_in_tenant is not necessary.

YAML Schema Notes for Autocompletion, Help, and Error Validation:

If you would like to enable Autocompletion, Help Context, and Error Validation, (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) perform the following configuration in Visual Studio Code.

Install the YAML extension by Red Hat

Extensions: Search for YAML and Select the 'YAML Language Support by Red Hat'

Add the YAML Schema's below to the Visual Studio Code Settings

Settings » Settings: Search for YAML:Schemas.

Click: Edit in settings.json

Configure the following in yaml.schemas

"": [

Environment Variables

Terraform Cloud/Enterprise - Workspace Variables

At a Minimum for APIC

  • Add variable apic_password with the value of [your-apic-password] and sensitive set to true

At a Minimum for NDO

  • Add variable ndo_password with the value of [your-ndo-password] and sensitive set to true

Add Other Variables as discussed below based on use cases

Command line utility to transform environment variables for use with Terraform. (e.g. HOSTNAME → TF_VAR_hostname)

Recently I adopted the tfenv runner to standardize environment variables with multiple orchestration tools. tfenv makes it so you don't need to add TF_VAR_ to the variables when you add them to the environment. But it doesn't work for windows would be the caveat.

In the export examples below, for the Linux Example, the 'TF_VAR_' is excluded because Cloud Posse tfenv is used to insert it during the run.

Aliases for .bashrc

Additionally to Save time on typing commands I use the following aliases by editing the .bashrc for my environment.

alias tfa='tfenv terraform apply main.plan'
alias tfap='tfenv terraform apply -parallelism=1 main.plan'
alias tfd='terraform destroy'
alias tff='terraform fmt'
alias tfi='terraform init'
alias tfp='tfenv terraform plan -out=main.plan'
alias tfu='terraform init -upgrade'
alias tfv='terraform validate'


Minimum Sensitive Variables for ACI


Password Authentication

export apic_password='<your-apic-password>'

Certificate Authentication

export certificate_name='<your-certificate_name>'
export private_key='<your-private_key>'



Minimum Sensitive Variables for NDO


export ndo_password='<your-ndo-password>'



Sensitive Variables for the Access Module:

  • MCP Instance Key: If Desire is to Password Protect MCP traffic.
  • VMM Password: vCenter Password for VMM Integration.


export mcp_instance_key='<mcp_instance_key>'
export vmm_password='<vmm_password>'



Sensitive Variables for the Admin Module:

Configuration Backup Sensitive Variables

  • remote_password: For Password based Authentication.
  • ssh_key_contents and ssh_key_passphrase: for SSH Key Based Authentication.


export remote_password='<remote_password>'
export ssh_key_contents='<ssh_key_contents>'
export ssh_key_passphrase='<ssh_key_passphrase>'



RADIUS Sensitive Variables

  • radius_key: Key for Protecting RADIUS Server Communication.
  • radius_monitoring_password: If Server Monitoring is Enabled, the Password to use with the test user account.


export radius_key='<radius_key>'
export radius_monitoring_password='<radius_monitoring_password>'



Smart Callhome Sensitive Variables

  • smtp_password: Only Required if the SMTP Server Requires Authentication.


export smtp_password='<smtp_password>'



TACACS+ Sensitive Variables

  • tacacs_key: Key for Protecting TACACS Server Communication.
  • tacacs_monitoring_password: If Server Monitoring is Enabled, the Password to use with the test user account.


export tacacs_key='<tacacs_key>'
export tacacs_monitoring_password='<tacacs_monitoring_password>'



Only Showing Linux Examples for the Rest for brevity

Sensitive Variables for the Fabric Module:

Note: Multiple Instances.

Note that ntp_key, snmp_authorization, snmp_community, snmp_privacy_key have multiple instances. This is only in the event you need multiple values for each variable. If only one value is needed only define one value in the export.

  • NTP Authentication Keys
export ntp_key_1='<ntp_key_1>'
export ntp_key_2='<ntp_key_2>'
export ntp_key_3='<ntp_key_3>'
export ntp_key_4='<ntp_key_4>'
export ntp_key_5='<ntp_key_5>'
  • SNMP Communities
export snmp_community_1='<snmp_community_1>'
export snmp_community_2='<snmp_community_2>'
export snmp_community_3='<snmp_community_3>'
export snmp_community_4='<snmp_community_4>'
export snmp_community_5='<snmp_community_5>'
  • SNMP Authorization Keys and Privacy Keys for SNMP Users
export snmp_authorization_key_1='<snmp_authorization_key_1>'
export snmp_authorization_key_2='<snmp_authorization_key_2>'
export snmp_authorization_key_3='<snmp_authorization_key_3>'
export snmp_authorization_key_4='<snmp_authorization_key_4>'
export snmp_authorization_key_5='<snmp_authorization_key_5>'
export snmp_privacy_key_1='<snmp_privacy_key_1>'
export snmp_privacy_key_2='<snmp_privacy_key_2>'
export snmp_privacy_key_3='<snmp_privacy_key_3>'
export snmp_privacy_key_4='<snmp_privacy_key_4>'
export snmp_privacy_key_5='<snmp_privacy_key_5>'

Sensitive Variables for the System Settings Module:

Global AES Passphrase Encryption Settings

  • aes_passphrase: Used to Encrypt Configuration Backups to protect sensitive attributes.
export aes_passphrase='<aes_passphrase>'

Sensitive Variables for the Tenants Module:

NDO Secrets for AWS or Azure Site Authetnication

export aws_secret_key='<aws_secret_key>'
export azure_client_secret='<azure_client_secret>'

Routing Protocol Authentication

  • bgp_password: Only requried for BGP Neighbor Authentication
  • ospf_key: Only required for Neighbor Authentication
export bgp_password_1='<bgp_password_1>'
export bgp_password_2='<bgp_password_2>'
export bgp_password_3='<bgp_password_3>'
export bgp_password_4='<bgp_password_4>'
export bgp_password_5='<bgp_password_5>'
export ospf_key_1='<ospf_key_1>'
export ospf_key_2='<ospf_key_2>'
export ospf_key_3='<ospf_key_3>'
export ospf_key_4='<ospf_key_4>'
export ospf_key_5='<ospf_key_5>'
  • vrf_snmp_community: Only required if the VRF Should use different Communities than the Global SNMP Values. These Communities, that need to be added to the SNMP client_groups, will only be usable by the VRF when configured.
export vrf_snmp_community_1='<vrf_snmp_community_1>'
export vrf_snmp_community_2='<vrf_snmp_community_2>'
export vrf_snmp_community_3='<vrf_snmp_community_3>'
export vrf_snmp_community_4='<vrf_snmp_community_4>'
export vrf_snmp_community_5='<vrf_snmp_community_5>'


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.0
aci 2.9.0
mso 0.11.0
utils 0.2.5


Name Version
utils 0.2.5


Name Source Version
access terraform-cisco-modules/access/aci 2.1.7
admin terraform-cisco-modules/admin/aci 2.1.7
built_in_tenants terraform-cisco-modules/tenants/aci 2.2.0
fabric terraform-cisco-modules/fabric/aci 2.1.7
switch terraform-cisco-modules/switch/aci 2.1.7
system_settings terraform-cisco-modules/system-settings/aci 2.1.7
tenants terraform-cisco-modules/tenants/aci 2.2.0


When the Data is merged from the YAML files, it will run through the modules using for_each loop(s). Sensitive Variables cannot be added to a for_each loop, instead use the variables below to add sensitive values for policies.


Name Description Type Default Required
apic_hostname Cisco APIC Hostname string "" no
apic_password Password for User based Authentication. string "dummydummy" no
apic_user Username for User based Authentication. string "admin" no
certificate_name Cisco ACI Certificate Name for SSL Based Authentication string "" no
private_key Cisco ACI Private Key for SSL Based Authentication. string "" no
apic_version The Version of ACI Running in the Environment. string "5.2(4e)" no
ndo_domain Default is local. Authentication Domain for Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator Authentication. Only required if the Auhthenciation domain is not local. string "local" no
ndo_hostname Cisco Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator Hostname string "" no
ndo_password Password for Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator Authentication. string "dummydummy" no
ndo_user Username for Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator Authentication. string "admin" no
ndo_version The Version of Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator Running in the Environment. string "5.2(1g)" no
annotation Depricated. Removing from Module. string "orchestrator:terraform" no
annotations The Version of this Script.
key = string
value = string
"key": "orchestrator",
"value": "terraform:easy-aci:v2.1.8"
controller_type The Type of Controller for this Site.
- apic
- ndo
string "apic" no
management_epgs The Management EPG's that will be used by the script.
- name: Name of the EPG
- type: Type of EPG
* inb
* oob
name = string
type = string
"name": "default",
"type": "oob"
mcp_instance_key The key or password to uniquely identify the MCP packets within this fabric. string "" no
radius_key RADIUS Key. string "" no
radius_monitoring_password RADIUS Monitoring Password. string "" no
tacacs_key TACACS Key. string "" no
tacacs_monitoring_password TACACS Monitoring Password. string "" no
smtp_password Password to use if Secure SMTP is enabled for the Smart CallHome Destination Group Mail Server. string "" no
remote_password Remote Host Password. string "" no
ssh_key_contents SSH Private Key Based Authentication Contents. string "" no
ssh_key_passphrase SSH Private Key Based Authentication Passphrase. string "" no
apic_certificate_1 APIC Certificate 1. string "blah.txt" no
apic_certificate_2 APIC Certificate 2. string "blah.txt" no
apic_intermediate_plus_root_ca_1 Intermediate and Root CA Certificate 1. string "blah.txt" no
apic_intermediate_plus_root_ca_2 Intermediate and Root CA Certificate 2. string "blah.txt" no
apic_private_key_1 APIC Private Key 1. string "blah.txt" no
apic_private_key_2 APIC Private Key 2. string "blah.txt" no
ntp_key_1 Key Assigned to NTP id 1. string "" no
ntp_key_2 Key Assigned to NTP id 2. string "" no
ntp_key_3 Key Assigned to NTP id 3. string "" no
ntp_key_4 Key Assigned to NTP id 4. string "" no
ntp_key_5 Key Assigned to NTP id 5. string "" no
snmp_authorization_key_1 SNMP Authorization Key 1. string "" no
snmp_authorization_key_2 SNMP Authorization Key 2. string "" no
snmp_authorization_key_3 SNMP Authorization Key 3. string "" no
snmp_authorization_key_4 SNMP Authorization Key 4. string "" no
snmp_authorization_key_5 SNMP Authorization Key 5. string "" no
snmp_community_1 SNMP Community 1. string "" no
snmp_community_2 SNMP Community 2. string "" no
snmp_community_3 SNMP Community 3. string "" no
snmp_community_4 SNMP Community 4. string "" no
snmp_community_5 SNMP Community 5. string "" no
snmp_privacy_key_1 SNMP Privacy Key 1. string "" no
snmp_privacy_key_2 SNMP Privacy Key 2. string "" no
snmp_privacy_key_3 SNMP Privacy Key 3. string "" no
snmp_privacy_key_4 SNMP Privacy Key 4. string "" no
snmp_privacy_key_5 SNMP Privacy Key 5. string "" no
aes_passphrase Global AES Passphrase. string "" no
vmm_password Password for VMM Credentials Policy. string "" no
aws_secret_key AWS Secret Key Id. It must be provided if the AWS account is not trusted. This parameter will only have effect with vendor = aws. string "" no
azure_client_secret Azure Client Secret. It must be provided when azure_access_type to credentials. This parameter will only have effect with vendor = azure. string "1" no
bgp_password_1 BGP Password 1. string "" no
bgp_password_2 BGP Password 2. string "" no
bgp_password_3 BGP Password 3. string "" no
bgp_password_4 BGP Password 4. string "" no
bgp_password_5 BGP Password 5. string "" no
ospf_key_1 OSPF Key 1. string "" no
ospf_key_2 OSPF Key 2. string "" no
ospf_key_3 OSPF Key 3. string "" no
ospf_key_4 OSPF Key 4. string "" no
ospf_key_5 OSPF Key 5. string "" no
vrf_snmp_community_1 SNMP Community 1. string "" no
vrf_snmp_community_2 SNMP Community 2. string "" no
vrf_snmp_community_3 SNMP Community 3. string "" no
vrf_snmp_community_4 SNMP Community 4. string "" no
vrf_snmp_community_5 SNMP Community 5. string "" no


Name Description
access Access module outputs.
admin Admin module outputs.
built_in_tenants Built-In Tenants module outputs (common|infra|mgmt).
fabric Fabric module outputs.
switch Switch module outputs.
system_settings System Settings module outputs.
tenants Tenants module outputs.

Sub Modules

If you want to see documentation on Variables for Submodules use the links below:

Terraform Registry