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Seeking a solution for easy deployment of a new Ubuntu machine with LAMP or LEMP stacks? Here it is.
wget https://easybash.github.io/easybash.tar.gz
tar -zxvf easybash.tar.gz
cd easybash-latest
Easybash is a tool for fully automatic installation of the most popular and useful packages to their latest versions on Ubuntu servers.
Easybash has been tested and can be used on the following LTS versions.
- Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus)
- Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver)
- Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa)
- Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish)
π Website π
Package | Category |
Apache | A |
Nginx | E |
MairaDB | M |
MySQL | M |
Easybash also does what the secure_mysql_installation
shell script does. Please check out the examples in the MySQL/MariaDB section.
- Wizard
- Config
- Standalone
Wizard mode will ask you several questions to configure settings and then proceed to install the LEMP or LAMP stacks.
wget https://easybash.github.io/easybash.tar.gz
tar -zxvf easybash.tar.gz
cd easybash-latest
Config mode installs the entire LAMP or LEMP stack according to the config.yml configuration file.
wget https://easybash.github.io/easybash.tar.gz
tar -zxvf easybash.tar.gz
cd easybash-latest
./easybash.sh init
Edit config.yml
to choose packages to install.
vi config.yml
./easybash.sh install
That's it. Easybash will install packages which defined in install
section in config.yml
Standalone mode uses the bash command set of the package directly for installation, installing one package service at a time.
# Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/16.04/nginx.sh
# Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/18.04/nginx.sh
# Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/20.04/nginx.sh
# Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/22.04/nginx.sh
nginx.sh [-h] [-i] [-v [version]]
-v ?, --version=? Which version of Nginx you want to install?
Accept vaule: stable, mainline, system
-h, --help Print this help.
-i, --info Print script information.
--aptitude Use aptitude instead of apt-get as package manager
$ ./nginx.sh -v stable
$ ./nginx.sh --version=mainline
$ ./nginx.sh
# Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/16.04/mariadb.sh
# Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/18.04/mariadb.sh
# Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/20.04/mariadb.sh
# Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/22.04/mariadb.sh
mysql.sh [-h] [-p [password]] [-s [y|n]] [...]
-w ?, --password=? Set mysql root password.
-s ?, --secure=? Enable mysql secure configuration.
Accept vaule: y, n
-r ?, --remote=? Enable access mysql remotely.
Accept vaule: y, n
-u ?, --remote-user=? Remote user.
-p ?, --remote-password=? Remote user's password.
-v ?, --version=? Which version of MariaDB you want to install?
Accept vaule: latest, system
-h, --help Print this help.
-i, --info Print script information.
--aptitude Use aptitude instead of apt-get as package manager
$ ./mariadb.sh -v latest -s y -r y -u test_user -p 12345678
$ ./mariadb.sh --version=system --secure=y --remote=y --remote-user=test_user --remote-password=12345678
# Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/16.04/mysql.sh
# Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/18.04/mysql.sh
# Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/20.04/mysql.sh
# Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/22.04/mysql.sh
mysql.sh [-h] [-p [password]] [-s [y|n]] [...]
-w ?, --password=? Set mysql root password.
-s ?, --secure=? Enable mysql secure configuration.
Accept vaule: y, n
-r ?, --remote=? Enable access mysql remotely.
Accept vaule: y, n
-u ?, --remote-user=? Remote user.
-p ?, --remote-password=? Remote user's password.
-v ?, --version=? Which version of MySQL you want to install?
Accept vaule: latest, system
-h, --help Print this help.
-i, --info Print script information.
--aptitude Use aptitude instead of apt-get as package manager
$ ./mysql.sh -v latest -s y -r y -ru test_user -rp 12345678
$ ./mysql.sh --version=system --secure=y --remote=y --remote-user=test_user --remote-password=12345678
# Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/16.04/php-fpm.sh
# Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/18.04/php-fpm.sh
# Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/20.04/php-fpm.sh
# Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/22.04/php-fpm.sh
php-fpm.sh [-h] [-i] [-l] [-v [version]] [-m [modules]]
-v ?, --version=? Which version of PHP-FPM you want to install?
Accept vaule: 5.6, 7.0, 7,1, 7.2
-m ?, --modules=? Which modules of PHP-FPM you want to install?
Accept vaule: A comma-separated list of module names.
See "./php-fpm.sh --module-list"
-h, --help Print this help.
-i, --info Print script information.
-l, --module-list Print module list of PHP-FPM.
--aptitude Use aptitude instead of apt-get as package manager
$ ./php-fpm.sh -v 7.2
$ ./php-fpm.sh --version=7.2
$ ./php-fpm.sh
# Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/16.04/apache.sh
# Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/18.04/apache.sh
# Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/20.04/apache.sh
# Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/22.04/apache.sh
apache.sh [-h] [-i] [-v [version]]
-v ?, --version=? Which version of Apache you want to install?
Accept vaule: latest, system
-h, --help Print this help.
-i, --info Print script information.
--aptitude Use aptitude instead of apt-get as package manager
$ ./apache.sh -v system
$ ./apache.sh --version=latest
$ ./apache.sh
Let's take a look at MariaDB as an example.
wget https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/16.04/mariadb.sh
chmod 755 ./mariadb.sh
./mariadb.sh --version=latest --password=12345678 --secure=y --remote=y --remote-user=testuser --remote-password=12345678
You can use the files hosted on GitHub page to quickly provision your Vagrant machine.
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.box = "ubuntu/xenial64"
config.vm.box_check_update = false
config.vm.provision "shell", path: "https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/16.04/nginx.sh", privileged: "false"
config.vm.provision "shell", path: "https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/16.04/php-fpm.sh", privileged: "false"
config.vm.provision "shell", path: "https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/16.04/mariadb.sh", privileged: "false"
With script arguments:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.box = "ubuntu/xenial64"
config.vm.box_check_update = false
config.vm.provision "shell" do |s|
s.path = "https://easybash.github.io/ubuntu/16.04/mariadb.sh"
s.privileged = "false"
s.args = ["--version=latest", "--password=12345678", "--secure=y", "--remote=y", "--remote-user=testuser", "--remote-password=12345678"]
Ensure that the changes have been thoroughly tested on the corresponding system version. Use the following Vagrant file to create a development environment for testing.
Path | Ubuntu version |
ubuntu/16.04/Vagrantfile | 16.04 |
ubuntu/18.04/Vagrantfile | 18.04 |
ubuntu/20.04/Vagrantfile | 20.04 |
ubuntu/22.04/Vagrantfile | 22.04 |
- Fork a repository from the master branch.
- Use the coding style outlined in the Bash coding style guide.
- Submit a pull request to the development branch.
- After the code has been reviewed, it will be merged into the master branch. Everything on the master branch will be included in the next major release.