Teseo Schneider
Office Hours: by appointment
Monday and Thursday 11:30 - 12:50
Building: MAC
Room: D288
Last week of the term, TBA.
Recent advances in 3D digital geometry processing have created many novel concepts for the mathematical representation and interactive manipulation of geometric models. This course covers some of the latest developments in geometric modeling and digital geometry processing. Topics include surface modeling based on polygonal meshes, surface reconstruction, mesh improvement, mesh parametrization, discrete differential geometry, interactive shape editing, skinning animation, architectural and structure-aware geometric modeling, shape modeling with an eye on 3D printing. The students will learn how to design, program, and analyze algorithms and systems for interactive 3D shape modeling and digital geometry processing. Students will implement advanced geometry processing algorithms using Python and igl.
- Geometry Acquisition
- Surface Reconstruction
- Normal Estimation and PCA
- Basic Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
- Mesh smoothing and optimization
- Mesh Parametrization
- Mesh Deformation and Editing
- Space Deformations
- Skeletal Animation and Skinning
- Architectural Geometry
- Fabrication-Aware Modeling
By the end of the course, the students will design, program, and analyze algorithms and systems for interactive 3D shape modeling and digital geometry processing.
Polygon Mesh Processing
Mario Botsch, Leif Kobbelt, Mark Pauly, Pierre Alliez
A K Peters/CRC Press
Textbook - 250 Pages
ISBN 1568814267
- Assignments: 70%
- Project or exam: 30%
- Assignments: 65%
- Project or Exam: 35%
01 Introduction
02 Shape Representation
03 Acquisition
04 Meshes
05 Reconstruction
06 Normal Estimation
07 Curves
08 Surfaces