This repository contains the files that are needed to laser cut the chassis for Mirobot ( There are a few different files here:
- mirobot_chassis_design.pdf - this is the main working file for Mirobot, but can't be used for laser cutting. It can be edited in Illustrator
- mirobot_chassis_lasercut.pdf / .dxf / .svg - these files are the laser-cuttable outlines laid out for cutting as pdf, svg and dxf file types
These designs are currently designed to be cut from 3mm MDF board.
This repository is in a state of development, see the releases for known good snapshots. No guarantees are made - laser cut at your own risk!
Mirobot is an open hardware project licensed under the TAPR Open Hardware License ( The name Mirobot may not be used commercially without permission. If you have any questions please get in touch (