Feliz Binding for qrcode.react
Install the nuget package
dotnet paket add Feliz.QRCode
and install the npm package
npm install --save qrcode.react
or use Femto:
femto install Feliz.QRCode
- Start your test app by cloning this repository and then execute:
dotnet run
Here is an example QRCode
let QRCodeCanvas () =
QRCode.qrcodecanvas [
qrCodeCanvas.value "https://www.google.com"
qrCodeCanvas.size 600
qrCodeCanvas.bgColor "#ffffff"
qrCodeCanvas.fgColor "#000000"
qrCodeCanvas.level "L"
qrCodeCanvas.includeMargin false
qrCodeCanvas.imageSettings [
imageSettings.src "https://msuecar.azureedge.net/logos/favicon-32x32.png"
imageSettings.height 24
imageSettings.width 24
imageSettings.excavate true
You can find more examples here