A dependency free lightweight JavaScript client for Contentful's Content Delivery API
Contentful JS Client is a simple and lightweight JavaScript client that is less than 2Kb minified. It has no external dependencies and can be used either in the browser or NodeJS. It relies upon window.fetch() or the native request class respectively.
- Retrieves content using a single Promised method called getEntries()
- Automatically denormalizes the returned data so that linked entries and assets are directly accessible on their respective keys
- Can be used in the browser or NodeJS
- Written in contemporary JavaScript (e.g. ES6+) and should work in all evergreen browsers
- No jQuery, no Babel*, no Webpack, etc.
* Babel ESLint and Babili are used for linting and minification respectively but there is no transpiling in this project.
Contentful provides a rock solid JavaScript client with broad feature set. However, it does far more than I need for most of my Contenful driven applications and at 77Kb for the minified version is actually missing what I consider to be a critical feature; denormalizing returned results. By contrast Contentful JS Client is under 2Kb minified, can retrieve entries with modest query requirements and automatically denormalizes data.
First, install the package with your preferred package manager. E.g npm install contentful-js-client
or yarn contentful-js-client
For Node
// Following read-only creds point to a copy of Contentful's sample photo galery
const config = {
access_token: '0aaf00d1373121cf60bf386add9e16d4d71b92b27ba16fd39d71ce67cf35af81',
space: 'r6crsmn3pvic'
const ContentfulClient = require('contentful-js-client');
const contentfulClient = new ContentfulClient(config);
contentfulClient.getEntries({ content_type: '7leLzv8hW06amGmke86y8G', fields: {}, include: 3 })
.then(galleryItems => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(galleryItems, null, 2));
.catch(reason => {
For the browser copy the built file from the repository to your scripts folder choosing the regular or minified versions depending on your build workflow. Then place the following at the bottom of your HTML just above the closing body tag.
<script src="src/js/contentfulClient.min.js"></script>
// Following read-only creds point to a copy of Contentful's sample photo galery
const config = {
access_token: '0aaf00d1373121cf60bf386add9e16d4d71b92b27ba16fd39d71ce67cf35af81',
space: 'r6crsmn3pvic'
const contentfulClient = new Contentful(config);
contentfulClient.getEntries({ content_type: '7leLzv8hW06amGmke86y8G', fields: {}, include: 3 })
.then(galleryItems => {
document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(galleryItems, null, 2);
.catch(reason => {
document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = reason;
Honestly, probably lots. While this lightweight client meets the need for three of my current Contentful driven projects it may not have all the features you need. While the goal is to keep the client as lightweight as possible I would not be averse to adding additional features on a case by case basis. Feel free to post an issue to Github or better, send me a PR.
One feature that will be added soon is support for ordering results.
- babel-eslint: Handles ES2017 features like arrow functions inside classes better than the default Espree parser.
- Babili: ES6 minification
- Coffee: A good source of C8H10N4O2
- Contentful
- Git 2.7.4
- Gulp
- NodeJS 8.1.2
- NPM 5.3.0
- Oh-My-Zsh on Bash on Ubuntu on Windows Subsystem for Linux
- Visual Studio Code 1.14.1 on Windows 10
v0.2.2 (2017-07-29)
- Added simple ordering capability with
order: '-fields.{field-name}'
v0.2.1 (2017-07-28)
- Fixed embarrassing spelling mistake with the word dependency
- Fixed mismatched names between package.json and the final output file
v0.2.0 (2017-07-26)
- Moved to its own repository
- Started creating proper tests
- Improved error handling
v0.1.0 (2017-05-27)
- Originally created as a standalone class in bigger project