A repository featuring my solution to the Pixel Art Maker 7DaysofCode Final Challenge for ALCwithGoogle3.0 Front End Web Developer Track.
Link to this project on github pages
I added extra two light features to my Pixel Art Maker, that makes it more interactive 😄.
Download Canvas Feature - after painting the design canvas with colors as it suits you, this feature allows you to download your beautifully painted design canvas in form of a png image.
Preview Download Feature - this feature allows you to preview the png image form of your painted design canvas before downloading.
My thanks and gratitude goes out to Google, Andela and Udacity for this wonderful programme that has changed my life around. Also to my newly found family on slack (my group members and the entire frontend-web-dev channel members), who shared relevant links and materials, and also who helped me weather the storm, whenever i came across challenges, i'm indebted to you all. Ever grateful i would also be to my ever able facilitator for his unending words of encouragement and guidance.
This README.md file was formatted using markdown.