- You should be able to create stacks of flashcards.
- You should be able to change the stack's name and delete stack
- You should be able to create, update, delete flashcards
- All flashcards need to be part of at least one stack
- If you delete a stack, all flashcards will be deleted
- SQLite isn't allowed. You have to use SQL Server.
- You should have a Study area
- In the study area you should be able to loop through the flashcards in a stack and get an "answer" input for each question.
- You should store your "Study Sessions" and be able to retrieve them.
- You need to look into "One to many" relationships in SQL, where you'll use a foreign key to link the "stacks" and "flashcards"
- You need to have classes with clear separation of concerns: UserInput.cs, TableVisualisationEngine.cs
- You need to map your data into "Models". Example: Once you get your stack from the database, it will be stored into a List()
- Connection strings and databasepaths need to be in a web.config file.
- Visual Studio
- SQL server
- SQL server management studio
- Models
- XML config file
- SQL server management studio
- Foreign key, one to many
- C# connection to SQL
- C# Debugger
- Connecting to SQL server through C#
- Creating a Database through C# code
- Creating DB tables through C# code
- Creating FK through C# code
- The help and advice of my mentor Cappuccinocodes
- SQL one to many
- Foreign key in SQL management studio
- W3 schools SQL commands
- Setting up SQL connection in C#
- Separation of concerns
- Creating SQL Database through C# code
- Configuration Manager
- Going overboard with separation of concern and trying to divide everything into another class
- Creating messy looking code at the beginning - it makes it more difficult to make nice looking code later on.
- Made the web.config XML parsing a bit more difficult than it needed to be
- Not using DTO's earlier on and kind of forcing them on, instead of thiking about how to incorporate them better.