Welcome! This is where the Fusion technology team documents tools we use, processes we follow, and lessons we've learned. These documents are shared publicly for those interested, but written for internal consumption.
We've categorized our documents into these sections:
- Roles - These are the roles within our team, with some expecation on how each should operate.
- Team Culture - The values we hold, and processes we employ to make sure our work is consistent with our values.
- Tools - Helpful tips on the tools we use, including Slack, Trello, Github, and O2.
- WordPress Development - Documentation specific to our WordPress-based applications.
Have a question? Please open an issue and we'll address it as quick as we can. If you're contributing a change, please follow pull request workflow instead of committing directly to master.
Want to become a trusted contributor? We're hiring engineers, designers, and product managers.