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Split Tests

Basic A/B testing for WordPress.


A WordPress plugin to add A/B split tests without tracking individual users. Currently there are two kind of tests:

  • Post title tests: test multiple headlines for a single post.
  • DOM tests: test arbitrary changes to page content on DOM manipluations.

Depends on Advanced Custom Fields Pro plugin, which you will need to install and license separately.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload split-tests/ to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

Developer setup

This repo contains everything you need to get a test environment setup using the official WordPress docker image.

Developer dependencies

Build and start


Local website

Once you've built and started the docker containers, you can load up the website at localhost:8080. If you reload the page a couple times, you should see parts of the page change in response to two tests that are set up.

  1. DOM test: there are two variants for the about text "A commitment to innovation and sustainability" and "A commitment to maintenance and durability". If you click on the "About us" button, that will register as a conversion for a given variant.
  2. Post title: there are three variants for the Hello World post, if you scroll down to "Watch, Read, Listen" and reload you should see English, Spanish, and French versions of "Hello World." Clicking through to load the post will register as a conversion for that test.

WordPress admin credentials

Username: admin
Password: password

You can explore the example tests by clicking on Split Tests in the admin sidebar.

Frequently Asked Questions

Did you say there's no tracking?

Yes, we count how many times a test is seen and how many times it converts, but we don't set/read cookies or otherwise attempt to track individual requests.

How do you define a conversion?

There are currently two kinds of conversions: page loads and clicks (on a specific configured element).

Does the plugin handle front-end caching?

Yes, the tests will work fine with HTML generated behind a CDN, or using other kinds of front-end caching.


1. Split Tests posts page

Split Tests posts page

2. Split Test post editor

Split Test post editor

3. Post Title variants

Post Title variants



Adds a cron mechanism to combine raw events in the database into daily aggregates


Context for where tests run ('all', 'home', or a 'url' pattern)


Split tests for DOM changes


Split tests for post titles