Minimalistic OpenGL2 3d engine for Android. This is a fork of
This repo contains only the android demo. Compiled using Android Studio 4.0 and Gradle 6.1.1
For documentation about the engine please visit original repository.
- Optimized for speed and smooth rendering
- Extremely fast model loading (converts OBJ models to Java classes)
- Phong lighting model with multiple lights (Ambient/Point/Directional), no attenuation with the distance
- Reflections with cube environment mapping
- HUD and 2d sprites support
- Normal maps
- Vertex colors
- Bitmap font support
- Ready to use in Virtual Reality (VR) projects for Google Cardboard, there is a sample in
You can install the application in either of these ways:
- APK: app-debug.apk
- Source code: clone the repository, compile with gradle and install with adb
cd demo-android
export ANDROID_HOME=/home/$USER/Android/Sdk
./gradlew assembleDebug
adb install -r app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
It's released under the MIT License, so feel free to use it anywhere.
The cube texture in the demos is CC licensed from Humus