This project aims to document the Aegir Hosting System. It uses mkdocs to build the site at To get started contributing to this project, fork it on Github. Then install mkdocs and clone this repo:
$ brew install python; # For OSX users
$ sudo aptitude install python-pip # For Debian/Ubuntu users
$ pip install mkdocs
$ git clone
$ cd aegir-docs
$ git remote add sandbox<username>/aegir-docs.git
$ mkdocs serve
Your local aegir-docs site should now be available for browsing: When you find a typo, an error, unclear or missing explanations or instructions, hit ctrl-c, to stop the server, and start editing. Find the page you’d like to edit; everything is in the docs/ directory. Make your changes, commit and push them, and start a pull request:
$ git checkout -b fix_typo
$ ls -p docs/ install/
$ vim docs/ # Add/edit/remove whatever you see fit. Be bold!
$ mkdocs build --clean; mkdocs serve # Go check your changes. We’ll wait...
$ git diff # Make sure there aren’t any unintended changes.
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 88f9974..e69de29 100644
$ git commit -am”Fixed typo.” # Useful commit message are a good habit.
$ git push sandbox fix_typo
Visit your fork on Github and start a Pull Request. After we accept a pull request or two, we’ll probably invite you to join the project team, and thus grant you commit rights to the main documentation project.