MSXlib is a set of assembly libraries to create MSX videogame cartridges.
MSXlib is BIOS-based, and it is divided in several libraries: MSX-related core, MSX-related optionals, games core, genre-specific (such as platformers), and generic game optionals. These libraries can be used incrementally, but are designed to work together.
The "Getting started with MSXlib" chapter will help you start creating MSX videogame cartridges.
- Preconditions
- Toolchain
- First run
- The minimal MSX cartridge
- The minimal MSXlib cartridge
- A not-so-minimal MSXlib cartridge
This chapter gives some bases of MSXlib that are used in most of the modules. It is convenient to know them prior to exploring the following chapters.
- The MSXlib VRAM buffers
- Assembly helper routines
- Compressed data unpacker
A cookbook that explains the MSXlib capabilities using examples and source code.
This chapter is subdivided in the following sections:
- Texts and graphics
- Loading the charset graphics
- Printing text in screen
- Printing numbers in screen
- Putting sprites
- Flickering sprites
- Fading-in/out the screen
- Player input
- Waiting and "Push space key"
- Reading cursors and joystick input
- Reading the keyboard
- Music and sound effects
- Replaying music in the background
- Playing sounds
- Other recipes
- Using page 0 ($0000-$3FFF) as a compressed data storage
- Detecting a catridge in the secondary slot
Non-comprehensive reference for some MSXlib modules.
- MSXlib cartridge initialization sequence
- MSXlib interrupt routine (
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- Previous chapter: Before you continue...