My linux dotfiles, scripts and a list of installed packages. Pywal is integrated with every program that uses colors.
I really hate when programs create configuration files in my home directory, so everything that can be in xdg base directorys are.
- Configuration for various programs
- bspwm (window manager)
- sxhkd (hotkey daemon)
- Polybar (bar)
- Alacritty (terminal)
- Picom (X compositor)
- Neovim (terminal text editor)
- Vifm, lf (terminal file managers)
- sxiv (image viewer)
- zsh (shell)
- pywal (generate color configuration based on wallpaper or predifined theme)
- Shell Scripts
- setbg - Change background and pywal themes
- bluecon - Dmenu wrapper to connect bluetooth devices
- Polybar Scripts
- arch_updates - Show arch pacman and aur update count
- mailcheck - Show new mail count (mbsync)