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Easy-Dom js library for convenient operation of dom

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中文 | Version Log | Online Use


0. Installation and use

0.1 npm installation

npm i easy-dom-util


import {dom} from 'easy-dom-util';
let el = dom.div; // Returns an element of type Ele, encapsulating the method of dom operation

0.2 script tag introduction

<script src=""></script>
<!-- or -->
<!-- <script src=""></script> -->
     var el = EasyDom.dom.div;

1. Ele object

easy-dom encapsulates dom elements. Each dom element will be encapsulated into an Ele element.

Most of the methods on the Ele element support chain calls. The following methods are available for the Ele element:

The method list, detailed usage is below:

Method Parameters Return value Description
dom -- HTMLElement Returns the corresponding native dom element
attr json/name,value/-- Ele/string/Ele Set or get element attributes
data json/name/null/--,value/null/-- any Temporarily store and operate some data on dom elements
hasAttr string boolean Determine whether there is a certain attribute
rmAttr string Ele/string/Ele Delete attribute
style json/name,value Ele/string/Ele Set or get element style
text [string] string/Ele Set or get element innerText
value [string] string/Ele Set or get element value
html [string] string/Ele Set or get the element innerHTML
empty -- Ele Clear element content
class [string] string/Ele Set the class for the element or get the class name of the element
id [string] string/Ele Set id to element or get element's id
click function Ele Set element click event
on json/name,func Ele Set the event of the element
render {html,method={},result=null} Ele render element
addClass string Ele Add class to element
rmClass string Ele Remove a class
hasClass string boolean Determine whether there is a certain class
replaceClass string,string Ele Replace class
append ...Array[dom/Ele] / Array[dom/Ele] Ele Insert child nodes into elements
insert index, ...Array[dom/Ele] / Array[dom/Ele] Ele Insert child at specified position
prepend ...Array[dom/Ele] / Array[dom/Ele] Ele Head-insert child
before ...Array[dom/Ele] / Array[dom/Ele] Ele Insert sibling elements before the element
after ...Array[dom/Ele] / Array[dom/Ele] Ele Insert sibling elements after the element
remove int/Ele/-- Ele/-- Remove child nodes based on position or ele element, or delete itself
parent [index] Ele/null Get the parent element or nth-level parent element of the element
index -- number Get the position of the element in the parent element
children [index] Ele/Array[Ele]/null Get the first or all child elements
children ...Array[dom/Ele] / Array[dom/Ele] Ele Insert child nodes into elements
next [index] Ele/null Get the previous or nth element of the element
prev [index] Ele/null Get the next or nth element after the element
exe function(dom){} Ele Execute a method with Ele as this, and the callback parameter is the corresponding dom element
src string Ele Set the src attribute of dom
query selector Array[Ele] Query all children of an element based on css selector

Full Api typings:

declare class Ele {
    el: HTMLElement;
    constructor({ tag, ele }: {
        tag?: TTag | string;
        ele?: HTMLElement;
    dom(): HTMLElement;
    ref(el: Ele): this;
    class(): string;
    class(cls: string, withPrefix?: boolean): this;
    id(): string;
    id(id: string): this;
    attr(name: string): string;
    attr(name: IJson): this;
    attr(name: string, value: string | number | null): this;
    hasAttr(name: string): boolean;
    rmAttr(name: string): this;
    style(name: IStyle): this;
    style(name: IStyleKey[]): IStyle;
    style(name: IStyleKey): string;
    style<T extends IStyleKey>(name: T, value: IStyle[T]): this;
    text(): string;
    text(text: string | number): this;
    value(): string;
    value(val: string | number): this;
    html(): string;
    html(html: string | number): this;
    click(func: (this: HTMLElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap['click'], el: Ele) => any, useCapture?: boolean): this;
    on<K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(name: K, func: (this: HTMLElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap['click'], el: Ele) => any, useCapture?: boolean): this;
    on(name: {
        [prop in keyof HTMLElementEventMap]?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[prop], el: Ele) => any;
    }, func?: boolean): this;
    addClass(cls: string, withPrefix?: boolean): this;
    hasClass(cls: string, withPrefix?: boolean): boolean;
    rmClass(cls: string, withPrefix?: boolean): this;
    replaceClass(a: string, b: string, withPrefix?: boolean): this;
    toggleClass(name: string): this;
    append(...children: (Ele | Ele[] | null)[]): this;
    appendSingle(el: Ele | null): this;
    name(): string;
    name(name: string): this;
    insert(index: number | string, ...eles: (string | Ele | HTMLElement)[]): this;
    prepend(...eles: (string | Ele | HTMLElement)[]): this;
    before(...eles: (string | Ele | HTMLElement)[]): Ele;
    after(...eles: (string | Ele | HTMLElement)[]): Ele;
    remove(arg?: number | Ele): this;
    empty(): this;
    parent(index?: number): Ele;
    data(name: string): any;
    data(): IJson;
    data(name: IJson): this;
    data(name: string, value: any): this;
    index(): number;
    next(i?: number): Ele;
    prev(i?: number): Ele;
    children(): Ele[];
    children(i: number | string): Ele;
    children(...children: (Ele | Ele[] | null)[]): this;
    brother(): Ele[];
    brother(i: number): Ele;
    created(cb: (this: Ele, self: Ele) => void): this;
    mounted(fn: (this: Ele, self: Ele, parent: Ele) => void): this;
    sizeReady(fn: (this: Ele, self: Ele, size: ISize, parent: Ele) => void): this;
    src(): string;
    src(v: string): this;
    render(options?: {}): any;
    query(selector: string, one: true): Ele;
    query(selector: string, one?: false): Ele[];
    hide(): this;
    show(display?: string): this;
    setVisible(visible?: boolean, display?: string): this;
    mount(ele?: TEleCommon): this;

Some API usage examples:

Basic usage

let el = dom.div

emmet style

let el = dom('div#app.cls1.cls2[attr1=1][attr2]')

render method

             // this : {el,bindEl,self,method}
     // Using the es6-string-html plug-in in vscode will make the following html have syntax highlighting
         <div @el='div1' @event=alert('test')></div>
         <div @el='div2'></div>

.data() Usage; // Get data object; // Clear the data object'name', 'test'); // Set a data'name'); // Get a data'name', null); // Remove a data{ // Batch operation
     name: null, // Remove a data
     age: 12 //Set a data

The Ele element has only one attribute, which is .el. Get the corresponding dom element.

2. api list

api list

api parameters return value description
create string Ele Generate an Ele element based on tag
query selector[,boolean] Ele/NodeList/null Query elements, the following bool parameter indicates whether to query all elements, otherwise only the first one
checkDom string/selector/HTMLElement HTMLElement/NodeList Get dom elements
classPrefix string[,function] -- Add a default prefix to the class name. If a callback function is used as a parameter, the prefix will be cleared after the callback is completed. Otherwise, please manually call clearClassPrefix to clear
clearClassPrefix -- -- Clear class name prefix
addCommonStyle object/name,value -- Add css variables and common styles
reportStyle {function, id = 'el-style', usePool = false} -- Report css style
initStylePool -- -- Initialize style pool
registTouchEvent {el[dom/Ele/selector],touchStart,touchMove,touchEnd} -- Mobile touch event encapsulation, compatible with PC
windowSize -- {width:height} Get browser size
version properties -- easy-dom version information

Detailed use

import $, {dom} from 'easy-dom-util';
dom.div.class('1') // class = el-test-1
// or
     dom.div.class('1') // class = el-test-1

style related

     fontSize: '12px',
     textCenter: 'text-align:center;'

     id: 'MyStyle' // The id of the style tag
}); // Without using the style pool, the style will be added to the head immediately

// or

     id: 'MyStyle', // id of style tag
     usePool: true
}); // Use the style pool. The style will be added to the head after calling initStylePool. When there are many scattered styles, it is recommended to use the style pool.

function initStyle(common){ // common is the public style
     // Using the es6-string-css plug-in in vscode will make the following css with syntax highlighting
     return /*css*/`


     el: 'dom/Ele/selector',


A set of simple ui components for taost, confirm, loading, alert, drag

Online use


0. Installation and use

0.1 npm installation

npm i tacl-ui


import {tool, toast, confirm, alert, loading, drag} from'tacl-ui';
// or
import TaclUI from'tacl-ui';
// TaclUI = {tool, toast, confirm, alert, loading, drag}

// do something ...

0.2 script tag introduction

<script src=""></script>
<!-- or -->
<!-- <script src=""></script> -->
    TaclUI.toast('Hello world!')

1. api

1.1 tool

Expose the easy-dom tool

1.2 toast

Pop up a toast

// simple call
toast(text[, time, position]);
toast('a hint')

// json call
    text:'A prompt',
    // Other parameters

// new method All components in tacl are an instance by default, you can use the new method to create a new instance
const close =;

parameter list

declare interface ToasterOpts {
    text?: string;
    time?: number;
    parent?: DomEle;
    onhide?(): void;
    onopen?(): void;
    contentHtml?: boolean;
    showClose?: boolean;
    customClass?: string;
    button?: {// add a small button
        text: string;
        onclick(): void;

1.2 confirm

A confirm confirmation box pops up

// simple call
confirm('Whether to confirm')
confirm('whether to confirm','confirm box')

// json call
    text:'Are you sure?',
    title:'Confirmation box',
    cancelBtn:false, // Do you need a cancel button
    theme:'default', //
    if (result) {
    } else {


// new>{})

parameter list

declare interface ConfirmerOpts {
    parent?: DomEle;
    theme?: confirmStyle;
    onhide?(): void;
    onopen?(): void;
    customEl?: DomEle;
    customClass?: string;
    contentHtml?: boolean; // default false
    custom?(box: Ele, $: ToolStatic): void;
    type?: confirmType; // default confirmType.confirm
    onGetCloseMethod?(fn: void): void; // Get the closed function when user new creates a new pop-up box
    clickConfirmClose?: boolean; // default true
    clickCancelClose?: boolean; // default true
    onconfirm?(): void;
    oncancel?(): void;


declare type confirmResultType ='confirm' |'cancel' |'close';

declare type confirmType ='confirm' |'alert' |'pop';

declare type confirmStyle ='yellow2' |'yellow' |'default';

1.3 alert

Pop up an alert

// simple call
alert('success','success title')

// json call
    title:'Success Title',
    theme:'default', //


// new>{})

parameter list

Same as confirm

1.4 pop

Pop up a pop-up box

// simple call
pop('Are you sure?')
pop('Are you sure?','Confirmation box')

// json call
    text:'Are you sure?',
    title:'Confirmation box',
    cancelBtn:false, // Do you need a cancel button
    theme:'default', //
    if (result) {
    } else {


// new>{})

parameter list

Same as confirm

1.5 loading

Pop up a loading

// simple call
loading('Loading...', 1000);

loading.close(); // Manually close

// json call

const close =;

parameter list

declare interface LoadingerOpts {
    parent?: DomEle;
    backgroundOpacity?: number;
    onopen?(): void;
    onhide?(): void;

1.6 drag

Generate a draggable element, compatible with pc and mobile

let el = drag({
    enableDrag = true,
    onClick = df,
    onSideChange = df,
    zIndex = 100,
    aside = false,
    preventDefault = true,
    reinitPosition = false,
    margin = 3, // upper right lower left or just pass in a number

parameter list

Parameter Must Type Default Value Description
el Yes dom/Ele/selector - Elements to be dragged
parent No dom/Ele/selector - Specify a parent element, so that the drag can only be carried out in the parent element, and the parent element needs to set the position style
enableDrag No boolean true Whether it can be dragged or not
onClick No function function(){} Click event
aside no boolean false whether to be adsorbed on both sides
onSideChange No function function(isLeft){} Only takes effect when aside=true, and triggers when the suction side changes
zIndex No number 100 z-index of the dragged element
preventDefault No boolean true Whether to prohibit the default event behavior
margin No number/Array[top,right/bottom/left] 3 Top, bottom, left, and right margins
reinitPosition No boolean false Whether to change the position of the drag according to the orientationchange and resize events, it needs to be turned on when the drag is full screen
declare interface DragParameters {
    el: Ele|HTMLElement|string;
    parent?: Ele|HTMLElement|string;
    onClick?: (event: Event, endX: number, endY: number) => {};
    onSideChange?: (isLeft:boolean) => {};
    zIndex?: number;
    onDragStart?: (event: Event, x: number, y: number) => {};
    onDragMove?: (event: Event, x: number, y: number) => {};
    onDragEnd?: (event: Event, x: number, y: number) => {};

declare class Drag {
    constructor(parameters: DragParameters);
    setPosition(left: number, top: number): void;
    initPosition(): void;
    getParentSize(): {width: number, height: number};
    aside: boolean;
    sideLeft: boolean;
    enableDrag: boolean;
    preventDefault: boolean;
    left: number|string;
    top: number|string;
    margin: Array<number>;

Remarks: Regarding preventDefault, preventDefault=true can prohibit the dragging of the browser on the mobile terminal to cause the page to move, and there is a blank at the top But this attribute will also prohibit the click event of the child element, which can be circumvented by the target attribute of the event in the onClick event Both methods have their pros and cons

Attribute list

preventDefault, enableDrag, aside

The use is the same as the parameter list, and the properties can be dynamically modified after generation